Suggests Mar 22, 2011 at 11:00 am


I hear thee Lindy, and I obey.
If it isn't filled with viscous fondant, don't waste my time.
I heard they make a Christmas version of these addictive delights. I haven't seen proof yet.
4: DON'T HAVE A BABY!!! You'll only be disappointed.
This needs a poll with three choices: 1. Yes; 2. OMG Yes; and 3. I am allergic to chocolate ;-
Easter has by far the best candy of all candy-producing holidays. But when I was stocking up yesterday, I saw a chocolate cross. Really? This is appropriate? Whatever, Christians.
I crack out on these every year and yes they do have Christmas ones.
Have they been baked in a cake?
The time is drawing near when I must buy my annual package of Peeps and gorge myself. A few seconds of bliss, followed by hours of recriminations and self-loathing. A one-shot deal, unlike candy corn.
@8:Oh my god, YES, the chocolate cross! I had to take a picture of it. I mean, was raised Catholic so we had that whole transubstantiation thing in which the host was literally transformed into the actual body of Christ, but even I have to draw the line SOMEWHERE!
6 I read the whole "What to Expect When..." series and there wasn't a single mention of fondant so, I figured as much.
I guess I'm the only one who can't stand these. I find the chocolate in them to be waxy and artificial-tasting. (Although the dark chocolate variety is significantly tastier.)
Man, I love these. Hands down my favourite holiday candy ever. I sure hope I can find them in France.
And this year they rolled out the dark chocolate Mini Eggs, which are the Mini Eggs for MEN*. Not available in small bags yet, so I had to eat a whole big bag of them. It took some time but it was do-able.
*Following the example of Pocky for MEN, which is dark chocolate Pocky.
Call me a snob, call me whatever, I don't give a shit, Cadbury chocolate (an insult to the word "chocolate") is disgusting and repulsive and is the only withered pinky-finger of oppression remaining from Mother England's centuries old stronghold on our land. I can't just stand by and keep my mouth shut, you people are sick, you're minds are poisoned and as soon as you pop a few of sad excuses for candies in your mouth, your bodies will be too.

PS. I hate all of you
PPS. I bet Victory Jackson loves Cadbury Eggs too.
Oh, Lindy, up here in Canadaland, the Mini Eggs are available year-round, but in more modestly-sized packets. The pound and kilo-sized bags are seasonal, which is unfortunate since opening a huge bag of those eggs and just inhaling the sugary off-gassing of those babies is pure bliss.

I find the Hershey's candy-coated eggs are quite good too.
@ 17: Yeh, those eggs suck. Milk chocolate is a highly suspect proposition to begin with, and then Cad Eggs contain greasy, gooshy, cheap, flavorless-even-for-milk chocolate that's only fit for invalids with no teeth and infants having their first solid food where there isn't any rice cereal available Blech.
@16: OMG. WANT!

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