Blogs Aug 20, 2009 at 10:28 am


File this under "Duh". They raised the alert to ORANGE the day that John Kerry gave his acceptance speech. A two-year-old (or even Eli Sanders) could connect those dots.
Isn't there something we can charge Bush with? There has to be.
I'm seeing red.
if we try to explain this to the public with words like propinquity we will continue to lose.

liar, impeachable offense, using the levers of power for personal gain and profit, to enrich cronies, and screw you, the taxpayer, that would bw the kind of words you have to use.

the right tags the left with awful words for fifty years, not just saying there's policy differences but all liberals are perverts, they enculture dependency, they are unamerican, etc.

meanwhile, we know the right is a bunch of folks who lie and seize power with all kinds of scams in order to fatten their pocketbooks and screw the rest of us

and we tag them with words like propinquity and motif and other euphemisms which earn you many a nice chardonnay.
And this surprises you? Really? Oh come on.

BTW, I don't think the worst about the Bush Administration has come out yet.
@5, it's the fact that it is made public, that's what i find amazing.
go ahead...
obsess over Bush...
you'll never see what hits you this fall.

midterm elections are just around the corner.

you girls better start taking care of business or you're going to be in a whole shitload of trouble.
enjoy control of Congress while you still can (not that you have done squat with it...)

pissing yourselves over Bush is no longer a luxury you can afford
I'm with Charles on this one. Not surprised at all that it happened. Surprised that someone is admitting it.
you folks think they counted the votes then, now?

"My next post will explain the source of the Nazism/socialized medicine motif."

this should be rich.

played... batted back and forth
I agree. However, I believe all sides have a propensity to tag the opposite side of the political spectrum as reactionaries (Nazis, bigots etc. Very "School of Frankfurt" if you ask me) if one can't see the other's point-of-view. A healthy debate regarding health care reform or the Bush Administration is fine by me but calling either Obama or Bush Nazis is ridiculous.
Nazis were competent, which means Bush couldn't be one.
I recall all the orange alerts throughout the US election season, and then not one more even in January for the Iraqi elections and US inauguration. Mission Accomplished.
@8, you are smoking crack. repubs are finished. there's not enough crazy white people to keep them in power.
i prefer powder.
less prison time.
unlike the democraps we learn from our mistakes and come back stronger.
frankly, we are enjoying Obama's term a lot more than we expected to.

enjoy your posts.
let me clarify-

I enjoy your posts.
Charles is correct - there needs to be some generational forgetting before the GOP will ascend again. Democratic spinelessness will not equal GOP votes. Look at the demographics - republicans are dying faster than they're being replaced.
@14 No, but there might be enough stupid, gullible, and frightened people out there.
we don't have to be brilliant in order to win.

just less stupid and disappointing than the dems.

so far Obama has been a pretty major letdown to his supporters-
(just ask Dan... on second thought- don't)
Note this day, for this is the day I agree with Charles.
Oh dear, I do wish things like this were not true.
@14: don't count them out just yet. Unless Obama and the dems start doing some real work (repealing DADT, Nat'l healthcare, etc) _I_ might even be tempted to vote GOP next go-round, much less other people.
Obama came in with such glorious promise(s) and expectation and is so far such a major letdown that lots of people may use the next election to send a message.
You know I was thinking the other day that if you had a time machine and went back to 2000 and tried to tell people how the Bush Administraion's tenure would play out, even the most batshit crazy pinko-commie hippy liberal conspiracy nut would think you were out of your fucking mind.
@2: really? if the dems don't repeal DADT, you'll vote for the party that made it politically neccessary? likewise for national health care (which WILL NOT happen), you'll punish it's advocate's failure by voting for it's opponents?

frustrating stasis is better than GOP regression.
i meant @22
Politicians + Selfish, scummy tactics = Standard operating procedure.
Harry Truman put us on the path of becoming a National Security State, so this is one more brick in the wall.

The creation of the Department of Homeland Security, one of the largest expansions of federal power, was a huge step down the road to fascism.
Yeah... and Bill Clinton bombed Iraq to distract us from Monicagate. This shit happens all the time. Nothing new or particularly right wing about it.
@24: I'm with you there. I've often thought the same thing too.

By the way, has the terror alert ever been anything besides orange? I think the DHS website for a while had a static image for the alert level that never changed.

McCarthy and Japanese Internment are two recent examples I can think of indicating that in this country, we are so thoughtless and smug that thing have to get really, really, really fucked up before people notice.

The Bush administration apparently didn't fuck things up bad enough, or at least managed to lead enough people down a religious lunacy to support what happened.

The average American probably doesn't care enough to get ruffled about it. It will happen again.

American history has taught me one thing I need to take from American culture to keep from getting too exasperated: worry about myself first.
@14 Charles,
Not so fast. Remember, after 64' Nixon won in 68' and after 76' Reagan won roundly in 80'. The GOP will be back. Heck, you got me to contend with:)
@31 - nope. Whig Party. Done deal.
if the repubs do disintegrate like the whigs what takes their place will be more conservative and meaner.
the republicans and Lincoln sprang from the ashes of the whigs
@8: That's pretty funny considering that Bush is practically drowning Christie in New Jersey right now.
@ 31, your breed of conservatives, which is a more classical form of conservatism, is facing extinction. the types who are now running your party are not the types who take greek civilization and its impressive intellectual achievements seriously.
Is a "propinquity" anything near a "propensity?"
@ Charles Mudede,

Don't be so surprised they're not hiding the truth. They aren't hiding anything because they know they'll never be tried for war crimes. They've gotten away with it and know the American public can't do anything about it.
I blame rap music
bwahahaha - scratch that I love me some good old school Chuck D…

how bout you Chuck M ?

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