
She deserves the Stupid Selfish Slut of the Year Award, for sure....
Thanks, Dan, for talking sense.
So the sister got married when she was 20, had a kid by 22 and then had 3 more, and has been a stay at home mom. And it sounds like she may have been monogamously with her husband until this happened.

If so, this behavior isn't just "coming out," this is also the sexual freakout of someone who's got a new partner for the first time since she was barely an adult.
Is anyone else really really sick of that red fleshy-looking penis-thing? Can't we get a new ad? (It would nice if the next one didn't have an eye-catching pornographic graphic -- my kids have been taught not to read other people's screens, but that thing screams 'look at me!' from across the room.)

C'mon now! I know lots of lesbians with good haircuts.
@4 It must work for them because it's been there for months. I hate that company now because their ad makes the page NSFW from waaay across the room. Hear that Smitten Kitten? Love sex toys but hate YOU.
Spot on, Dan!

I always wonder how these things turned out, this one has me wondering more than others.

I'd guess she did get divorced, but never moved, and has a different lesbian partner now. Or is married to a different guy now. She sounded impulsive (by her sister's account).
Good advice.

I've seen lots of friends get divorced over the years. Regardless of the reasons, my heart always goes out to the kids.

No matter how shitty the marriage was, or how bad the breakup, or how valid the reason for the divorce, you have an absolute obligation to do as little damage to the kids as possible. Unless the ex-spouse is seriously abusive, the kids have a right to a relationship with your ex, no matter how much you hate him/her. You have to realize that uprooting your kids and moving them across the country on a whim can be traumatizing, especially when combined with the trauma of your divorce.

Kids are not pets. They have feelings and friendships a life and rights. It is your job as parent to support them, not fuck them up, regardless of your sexual orientation.
Totally the right advice. This case seems like a definite "switch the gender and it becomes crystal clear" example.

If sister was considering leaving her husband for another man from across the country that she'd met three times ever in person, the rest of the family would be screaming bloody murder. It's only the implied "you're upset that I'm a lesbian" that's keeping them from being honest in this case.

This is definitely one where I'd love to know what did happen.
Like #7 U.F., I'd love to hear how this turned out. "Carrie" would now be 40 (or very near 40). Her kids, of course, are also 6 years older now...possibly one has reached adulthood. I hope that "Carrie" made the choices that were best for her children, especially since "Louise" seemed insistent that she was going to do the right thing for her own kids.
I guess this answers the question, "what does a lesbian bring to the *third* date?"
@12 .... :) thank you for that.

yes x1000 to dan's response. it is absolutely amazing to me how unbelievably selfish people can be when they enter in to new relationships with kids involved. i'm seeing it a lot in my own circle of friends and my family right now and it breaks my heart.
Fantastic advice. I wonder what happened? Those at risk tech savvy youth interns should run some followups where the intern tries contacting the LW, not everyone changes email.

My experience w/ custody situations (professionally) is that any parent who lawyers up and fights tooth and nail from day 1 is usually a screwed up jerk, who is screwing up their kids. (Exception: those escaping from abusive partners.)
Hah- "make sure that she doesn't back herself into a legal and financial quagmire over a person she has met only three times"

Well, I think I'd set your expectations particularly low about how much influence you have over a grown woman, even one related by blood.

"Louise has told Carrie that she won't move, as she wants her kids to be able to see their father on a regular basis and doesn't think she could win custody. She has asked my sister to move with her kids to be with her and her kids."

I love how this makes perfect sense for one side, so much so that the other is willing to do exactly the opposite, "impossible" act.
Supporting her is not the same as supporting such a stupid, stupid idea.
As far as the ad...totally agree. So very sick of it. Recommend a couple of sticky notes over that side of the computer screen when the kids are around. In my field (adolescent psychiatry) I could probably get away with the boss knowing I am reading Dan at work, but big red penis pictures, not so much.
In re the ad: what ads?
@4, 17: I had to switch away from the mobile version and pause AdBlock to try and see what you're rabbiting on about. So much worrrrrk, and still no "red fleshy-looking penis-thing." Sigh.
The ad is on Dan's page. Click Savage in the tabs on top and there it is...big red penis.
I seriously doubt Carrie was able to even attempt a tooth-and-nail fight in court for the right to move the kids out of state. To do that, you need a really good lawyer, which costs a lot money, which LW said Carrie didn't have. (Unfortunately, Carrie seems like the type who would just up and take them anyway.)

Question: Toward the end, Dan says, "to say nothing of watching your parents' marriage fall apart." The parents were never mentioned in the letter. Was that part edited out? Is one parent actually supporting Carrie in this, causing a strain on the marriage?

@15 - I've never wanted kids. The tl;dr reason: I'd suck at it and screw up the kids. But imagine being able to screw up someone else's kids. Sounds like such fun! Seriously, if I ever dated a parent who did what your brother is doing, I'd dump his ass in a second.
@21 "Question: Toward the end, Dan says, "to say nothing of watching your parents' marriage fall apart."

The marriage in question is Carrie's marriage to the brother-in-law; Dan is writing from the kids' point of view. They are the ones watching their parents' marriage fall apart.
"Watching your parents' marriage fall apart" refers directly to "her kids are suffering" in the next sentence. As in, she and her husband's marriage is falling apart, so their kids are watching their marriage fall apart.

18 and 19 beat me to it. Just get adblock people, it's really not that hard.
@20: No one else can see that ad. It was custom selected especially for you based on sophisticated algorithms that know your wants and desires, perhaps even better than you do.

For me, it selected an ad for a bong featuring a half-naked hippy babe.
@21 he meant the kids watching the evil lady's and her soon to be ex's marriage falling apart.
@ Seandr
Cool, but I've never been a fan of red. Not in penises anyway.
Enjoy your bong and Hippy babe. :)
@15: Christ on a crutch, what the fuck is the matter with people? Do people who only had happy childhoods pull this shit with kids? Do they not fucking know the effect they're having on these poor children?

Fucking hell. Fucking, fucking hell.
@4 Google Chrome + AdBlock.
Well said, Dan. Divorce is nothing in its effect on young kids compared to being totally separated, even if its only for a month or two. If she takes her kids to another state, subconsciously they will think they did something for the dad to abandon them. And some day if they are lucky enough to figure it out how it screwed up their lives, they will despise her for it.
@29: Or they will realize that their mom values her relationship more than she values her kids' relationships with their dad...
Harsh, Dan, but on the nose.

I'm sorry, but I've known some kids that were wishing very very hard for their parents to just get divorced already. And they weren't even abusive relationships.

So "staying together for the kids" isn't *always* the answer either. It might be if the kids are like, 5 and 7 and don't understand, but when they're older and they can see what's going on, divorce might actually be *good* for them.
@ 32 No one said that people shouldn't get divorced for the kids sake. What most people are saying here is that if someone does get divorced, that doesn't give that person a pass to shirk their responsibilities as a parent, use their own kids as a bargaining chip, or completely disregard the emotional turmoil their kids are going through. Unless one of the parents is abusive, kids deserve to have and maintain a relationship with both them even if the parents are divorced.
Spot on, Dan. Good job.
...but...I still don't understand why scalpers are asking $150 each for Alt-J tickets. Why?

@32, Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I intended. In no way did I mean to say that people should "stay together for the kid's sake". Far from it. I think people should be able to get divorced whenever they want, kids or no kids.

But, once you make the decision to divorce, you have to do the least damage possible to the kids. Even if you divorce, the kids still have two parents. They're just living in different places now. I think the parents should live within a reasonable distance from each other so the kids can easily see either of them without unreasonable hassle. Unless there is a damned good reason, moving across the country should not be an option.

Shacking up with someone you've only met 3 times doesn't even come close to qualifying as a good reason. And no sane judge would give custody to the moving parent (exception: unless the other parent was abusive). Why anyone would think this was a good idea escapes me.
When my parents divorced (and my mom wanted to move to Chicago from Wisconsin), we kids just elected to stay with my dad. About the only thing my parents did right in the divorce was ask us what we wanted.

Concerned sister's sister might very well come back after six months anyway.

I can't speak for all selfish parents, but certainly my father was ridiculously selfish when it came to prioritizing his wife-of-the-year over his children, and he had an incredibly unhappy childhood.

In comparison, my mother always told me that I would always take precedence over any boyfriend or husband (if she remarried, but she never did), and she voluntarily became a surrogate mother to my half-sisters, continuing to care about them long after my parents' marriage fell apart. I actually suspect my father's treatment of my eldest sister was a major factor in their divorce.

My mother's family wasn't perfect, but she did have a happy childhood.
@27 and 38

I did not have a happy childhood, but my kids do take precedence over any boyfriend I could have, so much so that I've decided against having a live-in boyfriend.

And my husband's treatment of the kids was a major factor in my divorce, along with his treatment of me.

Can we agree on unhappy/happy childhood having no univocal bearing on how selfish we're going to be as parents ?
I can't say I give Louise all that much more credit.
Those poor children.
@12 wins the thread.
43's a tossup between 8 & 12 for the thread...

@32: I was one of those kids who could hardly wait for my parents to divorce...and you know, things did get better right away.

I'm gonna be obnoxious and predict that her new orientation is more all about coming up with a reason she has to dump hubby - just being out of love with him is not enough to overcome the guilt of feeling like she's being selfish. Making it about orientation lets her off the hook.

Definitely throw her a coming out party, but nix on supporting the rest.

What is it with lesbians and the long-distance junk? I have a good friend whose long time partner passed away and suddenly the U-Haul on the second date wasn't quite so funny because all these new women lived like at least three hundred miles away! I thought I was a fool for trying to have a (straight) LDR with a woman 2.5 hours away (and it was a huge problem).
We don't all have bad haircuts.
Also if this woman actually is a lesbian, don't most of us, plus most gay guys, not end up w/ their first same sex bf/gf, even if it's a later in life thing? First gaylationships are....rough. True for me and ever gay person I know. Not that that's even the biggest issue here. Jesus.
Yep. If this were a man talking about taking the kids and dumping his ex because he turned middle-aged and found himself, people would be hitting him with rolled-up newspapers.
THANK YOU, AdBlock recommenders. That took 30 seconds and no red penis thing. What is that thing made of, anyway? I'd ask SmittenKitten, but I don't want to encourage them.
Though I totally agree with Dan on not harming the children, this post has an overall tone of being anti-lesbian. Yes, she shouldn't move her kids across the country for someone she's met three times, but you have to also recognize that those coming out hormones are extremely powerful, especially if you've repressed them during a marriage. It would have been nice for you to at least recognize that (and not made a "joke" about what all lesbians have in common).

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