Alaska Natives are accusing the Catholic Church of using their remote villages as a “dumping ground” for child-molesting priests—and blaming the president of Seattle University for letting it happen.
Let's hope every single person who was victimized in Alaska finds the courage to come forward, speak up, expose predators, get help and protect others!
David Clohessy
National Director, SNAP
Survivors Network of those
Abused by Priests
314 566 9790 cell
The church's actions clearly show that it is in touch with something other than the god the people expect or the god this failed religion speaks of. When perverted incomplete men such as these fail as they have and as they will blindly continue there is a need to see them exposed as the frauds they are. Gods representative? What a perverse joke these abusers and users have played on society for centuries. Let their futile struggles to defend the indefensible crime of child rape be long, painful and maddening for them. Bringing these social monsters to account provides hope for all those deceived and abused by these incomplete men. There is no halfway point on this, the safety of children from sexual abusers and their enablers says that if you fail to speak out against these atrocities then you are as incomplete as the perpetrators, enablers and deniers. Let justice rain down on the heads of these pedophiles and their enablers and supporters.
My most recent letter to Vatican officials including the Pope:
Dear Benedict,
I find the opportunity to communicate via Vatican radio, YouTube and other avenues recently established as a breath of fresh air which can only lead to a better understanding and a more peaceful and just world.
On your recent visit to Australia you spoke of the clergy abuse issue; it is that matter which causes me to write.
At the head of your Vatican Radio it reads "The voice of the Pope and the Church in dialogue with the world". As a past victim of clergy abuse I would like to take the opportunity afforded to establish an avenue of communication with the church in both my own regard and in regards others who have experienced similar abuses. We find that on a universal and on a global basis that we as individuals and very often our families and our children are denied our human rights and our right to justice and fair treatment under the laws of our respective lands as well as in the manner taught by your Church. That this does occur is plain and obvious for all who care to look, to all who attempt to understand or to those who seek a just, humanitarian or Christian response from your Church.
The litany of these abuses and the subsequent failures are found across our entire planet and in each instance where there is some public debate the Church and your bishops are regularly condemned due to their inabilty to provide either a legally just outcome, a morally just outcome as taught by your Church or a Christian outcome. This as you are aware causes all who are involved endless pain and the very existence of these circumstances permits the greatest degree of harm on an individual and on a global basis to continue and singularly engenders the greatest degree of social discordance and human rights abuses experienced on a country level and is the greatest single cause of the significant anger, disgust and at times hatred expressed against your Church, your bishops and Catholics in general. Hatred and anger and disgust which your Church brings upon itself through its own universal failures.
Since your visits to the United States and Australia where you raised the subject of the failure of your bishops to deal with this issue in an appropriate and humane manner they have steadfastly refused to release documentation (except when demanded under the law of the country) which can firstly tell us all of the extent of the problem and provide the basis of the understanding required to develop and implement a Christian and humanitarian response. They have failed to act in accord with the teachings of the Church, the teachings of Jesus Christ and very often in defiance of the spirit of the laws of a country as well as continuing to fail on a human rights level.
As you would well be aware the numbers are staggering despite the majority of victims remaining silent about their abuse due to the lack of support and the injurious manner in which the Church responds to their claims.
In the United States estimates take the number there beyond 100,000 children with a cost against your Church of some $10,000,000,000 to $15,000,000,000 in that country with only a small percentage of outstanding cases having been heard. In Canada the Church has been implicated in the genocide of some 50,000 Native American children as well as tens of thousands of non-Native American children; these as in all other countries are mostly children raised within your own Catholic faith.
In Ireland your Church is unable to ensure the safety of children, your bishops are unable to provide and implement proper safety standards nor is it able to provide the justice and healing your bishops and priests preach of from their pulpits nor does it provide the just and compassionate outcomes sought by countless of your own Catholic people.
It seems that in each locality examined; Canada, Mexico, United States, The Philipines, Australia, New Zealand, Europe the failure is universal and comprehensive and plainly in opposition to the teachings of your Church.
Your Church has failed in the past and continues to fail on a global basis in regards the treatment of those abused by your clergy. While such a state continues to exist around the globe it can be clearly said that this is not in the manner of the teaching of Jesus Christ and as such your Churchs' representation of itself as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ must be brought into question as no Christian respects the current response of the Catholic Church to the clergy abuse issue.
Countless people across the globe petition and beg your leaders, priests and bishops for a change and for your Church to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ yet your princes of God ignore them and deny them faith, justice and peace.
Benedict, your Church, for the sake of humanity must act humanely and justly or forever move on and be seen as the greatest religious failure in the history of mankind.
I have made many attempts to establish a dialogue in regards this matter with bishops and priest across the globe only to be met with silence and the failures inherent in the above. My attempts to communicate and to establish a proper representative dialogue with the Church or instruments of the Church have failed to progress and I am left with this global and public plea for you to take the lead in Christs name and begin that dialogue and communication.
I look forward to being a participant in that process and to taking a role in helping to establish the restoration of dignity and the provision of healing and a sense of justice to all those affected by these atrocities.
A suggestion about using black bars in the print edition: if your intent was truly to protect the identity of the children, next time delete the space beneath before you add the black bar as a layer. The process the Stranger uses isn't truly opaque.
And primarily line the pockets of plaintiff's lawyers. Wall is a grandstanding leech. His condescending referral to Fr. Sundborg as "Stevie" and his adolescent dramatization of his being a "cleaner" belie his for-profit efforts to gloss over his own failure as a priest.
And line the pockets of plaintiff's lawyers. Wall is a grandstanding leech. His condescending referral to Fr.Sunborg as "Stevie" and his adolescent characterization of himself as "a cleaner" belie his for-profit efforts to gloss over his own failure as a priest.
The described conduct may seem like BS to some, however, not to victims. My experiences at Catholic boarding schools is similar. These clergy are truly perverted, cruel, sadistic and vindictive. Catholicism is a twisted criminal organization that has a history of suppressing knowledge, education and civilization's advancement. It is estimated by some that without the church, we may have been able to land on the moon in the late 13th century and that man would be in complete control of his destiny by now.
Organized religion is just a cover for greedy heinous individuals looking for cover to gain power, money, and ability to commit crime undetected.
This sickens me so much.
If there is a god out there, he/she needs to make a reservation in hell for these individuals.
But, I rather see them suffer in this life time if that is possible.
Kip Schoning, it would seem that you have been abandoned by "Mr. Dictionary". And, sorry if the truth hurts, "KIP". In the past 7 years, it has been widely reported that priests, with GOD on their lips, not only raped and sodomized children, but also used religious oils and articles as sex toys. One priest even had victims urinate in his mouth. I know these things seem incomprehensible in a civilized, sane society, but they are true and they did happen. And don't beat that dead horse about how this happens in other religions. Our Ordained/Anointed were supposed to be held to a higher standard. We're the only religion that claims their priests are the Anointed Representatives of Christ on Earth. Well, Jesus promised HIS Apostles that HE would make them, "Fishers of Men"; Not Rapers of Children. The Faithful are going to have to come to grips with these TRUTHS, if the Roman Catholic Church is to survive; and the church will not survive until there is change.
An amazing story. Thank you for enduring the difficult task of digesting the details.
As a practical matter, I like that your article allowed the plaintiffs' legal team to expose the evidence they'd amassed over years of investigation and discovery. I suppose highlighting these allegations puts more pressure on the defendants to settle as the suits roll in, but the article itself is a real public service.
With newspapers' declining ability to fund the kind of months-long investigations articles like these usually require, it's a tiny ray of hope to believe we might learn about big problems at least occasionally. Private lawyers like Poole who fund their own years of evidence-gathering can sometimes pass the information on to the public like this in a way that doesn't compromise their clients' claims.
War Tactics Should Be Applied to Abusers and to Those Who Offered Protection
By Mike Ference
Every day brings new evidence that we no longer live in a civilized and principled society. The worst part, it usually concerns another case of sexual misconduct involving a Catholic priest, young children and a church hierarchy that helped to cover up the case.
The recently unveiled federal grand jury investigation into the Los Angeles Archdiocese and it’s leader, Cardinal Mahony clearly suggests that a regime change should have been made long ago.
To be sure, media pressure and public outrage and a billion dollars in pr fees, legal fees and settlements have inspired displays of contrition from Mahony But as more and more cases of abuse — and cover-up — come to light, one begins to wonder whether Mahony should be considered any more trustworthy than, say, Saddam Hussein.
So — what should be done if the grand jury finds Mahony to be just another member of the hierarchy more concerned with protecting dysfunctional sex freaks than innocent children? Given the level of wreckage and anguish caused in the lives of so many people, it seems appropriate to look to the war on terror for a model strategy.
A first prong of attack might involve a Special Forces unit made up of highly skilled and trained military personnel capable of tracking down and obtaining confessions from any current or former priests accused of acts of sexual abuse against children. If rights are violated, if military personnel sometimes go a little too far, so be it. The Catholic Church had ample opportunity to fess up and repent. Those incapable of civilized behavior shouldn’t expect the rights and privileges of civilization.
A deck of cards can be created to help identify hard-to-find priests as well as the disgraceful church leaders who permitted, and in essence, condoned the sexual abuse of young children. Photos of the most deviant and reprehensible church officials accompanied by a list of their offenses will encourage us all to do our patriotic duty in helping the authorities track down suspected priest-terrorists or at least be able to identify the culprits as they come and go freely because their sins where covered up and the time to criminally prosecute has expired.
Another option would be to divide the nation into territories. A color-code warning system would be established, alerting parents about abusive priests being transferred into their respective regions. Depending on the designated color for a particular region, parents would know whether their children should serve at Mass, go on field trips, or even attend Catholic school that day.
To aid this unique war on terror, a pool of money should be collected, not involuntarily from taxpayers, but voluntarily from those decent human beings who believe crimes committed against our children are sins that God takes very seriously. Some of the funds raised could then be turned into outrageously tempting reward sums for information leading to the capture of our targeted criminals. Once the rogue clerics have been imprisoned and forced to talk, I recommend that their confessions be given to someone like Steven Spielberg or George Romero. Hollywood writers and producers could create a blockbuster movie like Roots or Schindler’s List to serve as a bitter reminder that these crimes should never again be permitted to occur. Tom Savini could be hired to recreate the horror on the faces of child actors chosen to play parts.
Proceeds from the movie could go to victims of abuse and their families. And no matter how old the crime, compensation would be available. There should be no statute of limitations when the rights of children have been violated by those who lived much of their adult lives perched on a pedestal heightened by the trust of innocent and vulnerable believers. In fact, I would extend compensation to the second and perhaps even third generation of sufferers. It would certainly include siblings denied the experience of growing up with a brother or sister untraumatized by such abuse. And since crimes of abuse tend to echo, it would extend to the victims of the victims as well.
If all else fails, is it any less rational to declare war on the Catholic Church as part of a war on child abuse than it was to declare war on Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-Qaeda and apparently had no weapons of mass destruction) as part of a war on terror? How many innocent children have been verifiably lost to this menace — and how many more will be lost if we don’t make a preemptive strike?
As horrific as sexual abuse by priests may be, the perpetrators might merit a more forgiving place if only their superiors had the courage to do the right thing. For a few, counseling and close supervision might have been enough to prevent future abuses. Others clearly required something more intensive — a mental hospital or a prison.
But repeated abuse, as well as willfully hiding the crimes and the criminals — as far as I can see, this brings us much closer to the realm of mortal sin. And the sinners include not just the church hierarchy, but also attorneys who ill-advised parents not to buck the system and take on the Catholic Church, or may even have provided inside information to thwart legitimate cases against the church, law enforcement officials who may have thought it best to warn church officials of pending investigations, and janitors, housekeepers, teachers, and employees of the Catholic Church who kept silent because of concerns about a paycheck, a 401K, a pension, or a fear of standing up to church authorities. God has a place for everyone — and if you abuse children or protect the abusers of children, we can only hope that your place is called hell.
If you are catholic, you are livestock, sheep of a malevolent shepherd and the shepherds he "hires" to be his minions through the priesthood of RCC Inc. The sheep/shepherd metaphor is interesting because it *seems* to convey something good and positive, but the true relationship of the shepherd to the sheep is - fleece 'em (deprive them of all their resources), screw 'em (use them for sex and other pleasures), kill 'em (slaughter them or sell them to be slaughtered, destroying every one), and eat 'em (consume their flesh, allow others to do so). Rams not wanted for reproduction have a band put around their bits until they turn black and fall off. Shepherds only "care* about their sheep long enough to keep them alive to take to market to sell for food. That catholics and other christians want to make themselves into livestock for their god is appalling and disgusting. That's even lower than being a slave.
What catholics and christians don't know also is that their central myth *begins* with the ****rape**** of a little girl who had been pimped by her parents to work as a temple "dove", a servant who was there to provide more services than just cleaning and dusting - her function was to be a temple prostitute as was the function of *all* children in religious temples in that part of the world at the time (not unusual at all). Even if sex wasn't her primary job, don't think that pedophiles of the day weren't in those temples taking full advantage of children that were given to those temples in order to enrich their parents financially, religiously, and socially. Thing is, the story has been prettied up with birdies, angels, and bright lights - and a rape victim who is said to have said, "What? God raped me? And now I'm going to bear God's child? How wonderful!" So, pedophilia is not only something promoted throughout the old testament, but it's something the bible god did to make a clone of himself on earth to cure a non-existent disease, and his minions thereafter have felt the holy obligation to emulate this god at every opportunity and rape every child available that has been pimped by their parents through baptism - a turning over of ownership to RCC Inc to do with their children as RCC Inc chooses. The conspiracy has existed since the time of Abraham, it has never stopped, and it never will.
All of this evil disguised as goodness and holiness must be stopped for the good of all children and vulnerable adults. It starts by as many people leaving as possible. It starts by not putting a penny in collection baskets any more.
It stops by prosecuting abusers and their protectors to the fullest extent of the law.
How can ANYONE on this planet accept ANY RELIGION or GOVERNMENT that does these deeds? In U.S. there is supposed to be SEPERATION of CHURCH and STATE, yet President and Pope make agreement to let Churches protect PEDOPHILES (and who knows what other CRIMINALS!!)! Sounds to me like EVERYONE knows that IT IS ALL A SHAM except the LOST SOULS that have been CONNED FOR CENTURIES to GIVE,GIVE,GIVE to get to a HEAVEN that THE CHURCH knows DOES NOT EXIST!! If there is a GOD - Why would HE allow this to happen for so many centuries? Makes a person WONDER !!
The Very Rev. Adolfo Nicolás, newly elected Superior General of the Jesuit Order International will meet with a sex abuse cover-up professional, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles. during his January 30, 2009 through February 7, 2009 stay in California,
organized religion is a terrible thing.taking advantage of the weak is their specialty. in one way or another they prey on people. weather it is the young starving children in this article or the starving old people that give the church the money they should be using for necessities. it saddens me to think that so many people have fallen for the biggest scam the world has ever known.
Catholic priests are fucking disgusting. How can anyone even consider being Catholic after reading this crap. I feel dirty just reading this. These priests are complete failures as human beings. Stop worshiping these degenerates. Catholicism is a lie anyway- grow up and act like adults. stop believing the fairytale- and these priests will have no jobs. Some of my family is catholic- and I still think you're all idiots. WAKE UP dumbass catholics.
Well, to be fair, a bunch of Catholic priests are disgusting, but, honestly, not all. I was Catholic when I was little and I loved all my priests. One of them I know was gay, not a pedophile, and I don't know about the others. The ones I remember were all really awesome. Anyway, one of my priests knew there was a pedophile priest in a nearby church. He talked with his superior to get the police involved. He eventually called the police himself, and I never saw the brave priest again. Not all of them are assholes, and not every Catholic is a brainless schmuck. This article broke my heart. I hope something can be done, and, honestly, ordaining women and allowing married people would certainly help. Why? Those people are less likely to be pedos. Why can't the Church just kill the pedophile priests? They seem to be able to get away with everything else.
Any more information about Father Boly? Is that the same person who was the head of Saint Joe's in Seattle for so many years? If so, I'm feeling a little sicker than I already was...
to helprvictimsnot$$$$lawyers
Helping the victims is important, but your effort leaves the offenders and those who support them without punishment, consequence, or accountability. $$$$ is the only language these people seem to understand.
Signed: one of the victims mentioned in the article above
another story not picked up by most media was that 13 international grandmother went to italy and sent a paper asking the current pope to recind the papal bulls of the late 1400s that largely to blame the on slaught of natives in the americas with the start of the spanish conuest of the middle americas, and shortly thereafter, everyone with power followed.
gus: i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the most plausible reason why you don't see articles on pedophile rabbis is because it's not a widespread issue like it is for the catholic church. likely because rabbis are allowed to marry instead of festering in a fantasyland of temptation that inevitably leads to abuse. clergy abuse is a real and tragic problem, not a paranoid, perceived war on interest groups by jews. haven't you figured out that jews aren't responsible for everything wrong with the world, including the self-induced downfalls of other religions?
I'm appalled that even the churches have their own conspiracies and are actually paying for their own selfish members' mistakes by paying off affected families with money that is supposed to go towards building a greater church and place of worship.
I don't give a shit if "some" priests are great. They believe in, and perpetuate, a LIE. Christianity lost its path hundreds of years ago. All that exists now of true "christians" is a joke. And Catholics are a complete waste of space. The bible is a fairytale. Sorry if you people are too weak to give up your "faith". You're just brainwashed and you make me sick. Stop making up excuses for your immaturity and weakness. Take some responsibility for your "leaders" or better yet- stop being a Christian. And most of all- QUIT PUTTING YOUR CHILDREN IN POSITIONS WHERE THEY CAN BE ABUSED. Just because your a pathetic "adult" that needs to believe in this crap to be strong enough to live your lives- doesn't mean your children deserve to be potentially hurt.
But you'll just blow me off and go suck some more fluoride. This is a nation of adult children.
hm...gus...i actually heard a story on NPR about pedophile rabbis in new york's ultra-orthodox jewish community a couple days ago.
i guess no group is exempt.
imho a big part of the blame lies not on the content of the catholic beliefs but in the way the power structure is set up. any time the power is held in the hands of a few men, you are going to have trouble b/c they are going to want to hush up anything that would disrupt their power structure.
it is so sad that these children were allowed to suffer because those in charge wanted to save face.
May the offenders find themselves in a special kind of hell. May the survivors find peace. I lived in New England when the scandal broke out there. I lived in the next town over from one of the "retreat" camps for the Boston area churches. It was still up and running last time I checked. Nothing like hearing family friends talk about father 'so and so' and his odd behaviours.
The difficulties of keeping secrets in a post-Internet world makes for interesting headlines indeed. I suppose a comment is warranted. I am not, nor have I ever been, a Catholic, but I do attend Seattle University, and I have been receiving press releases from Father Sullivan on a fairly regular basis.
I know there are many Catholic priests out there who are horrible people and who have committed terrible acts. There are around 500,000 members of the Catholic priesthood around the world. In a population sample that large, a given amount of pedophiles is sure to occur; other factors, certainly including celibacy, likely account for a higher than statistically average occurrence.
To complicate the problem, the church does have the largest religious infrastructure and coffers in the world; it is, or at least has been, more than capable of smoothing over problems to protect its image and work.
The abuses imposed on these and other victims are heinous and unforgivable, and should not be smoothed over by the church, or any other religion or organization. These men are mentally ill criminals, who deserve treatment for their diseases and punishment for their crimes, to the same extent that would be faced by a member of the laity.
With that said, I hesitate to wholly condemn the church. The Holy See has been remarkably negligent, this is true. The church, however, is the charge of the See, not the sum of it. The church is composed of millions of people who have chosen, at various levels of conformity and adherence to doctrine, to believe in and participate in something they believe can bring them peace, hope, and healing.
Let us condemn the perpetrators of these crimes. Let us condemn those who allowed the crimes to continue. Condemn the systems that permit things to be swept under the rug or shuffled somewhere 'safer'. Let us hope and pray that these poor victims may find peace and healing, and let us actively work with them to accomplish that. Let us change these truths rather than simply be outraged at them.
A broad condemnation of the church, however, hurts more people than it helps. Mother Teresa, St. Francis of Assi, and countless others who did and do incalculable amounts of good in this world counted and count themselves as members of the church. Many people I know view their lives as being richer for being Catholic, and I am glad for them.
Tragedies like these can and do occur anywhere. As a Jew, I can say that the mention in a previous comment of Hasidic abuse is sadly familiar. Indeed, the nature of cloistered religious communities of all types lends itself to this type of abuse. The Catholic church is especially vulnerable due to its size, resources, and history. This is something people of all walks of life need to be vigilant about.
I hope that justice is meted out to those responsible, and I hope that all sides can find peace and healing. If you are a victim of these crimes, or those like them, my prayers are with you.
I hope this discussion, on this page and across the world, can generate more than mere vitriol and trolling. I hope.
Hey Kip-
You have never lived with Native American children, or in Alaska- that's obvious from your scathing rebuke. I can DEFINITELY see this happening with those kids in these isolated places. Having gone to elementary school on Tulalip's res, I know that native american kids are different by culture, environment and parenting. Add to that complete village isolation, all-powerful priests with pedophilic 'needs' and this is exactly what you get.
Shut the f**k up about issues you know nothing about.
As for the Catholic church- I hope Benedict and his host of pervs burn in their Hell for eternity. SICK, SICK, SICK.
Some people honestly believe that organized religion should be abolished. I think that organized religion has done more good than harm, but I think I understand why some people think otherwise.
I was googling for a Bible verse that I couldn't quite remember when I came across a webpage that I think is perfect as a comment for this article. It is titled "The Christian Deists: Christians Without Churches:"…
For those of you bringing up the tired old saw about victims just being after money, keep in mind that for every dollar a victim receives, RCC Inc spends another dollar paying high priced lawyers to work to destroy the plaintiffs *by any means necessary* (additional rapes on top of rapes by predopriests) and to high powered PR firms used to publicly discredit victims, their advocacy groups, and anyone who speaks out for abuse survivors (the poster trashing Patrick Wall is probably a spokeshole from a PR firm). Lawyers who take the cases of abuse victims are paid *on contingency* - for those too ignorant to know, this means that the lawyer must make sure he has a *very good* case because if he loses, he gets exactly NOTHING for all of his time and billable hours, as most survivors are too poor to pay the hourly fee that the dioceses have no problem coughing up for *their* $500-1000/hour lawyers that they use (and even have on continuous retainer). A lawyer for survivors only gets 1/3 of the settlement IF THEY WIN (which is fair considering billable hours used to take the case - we got more than $2000 in services from a lawyer who took a worker's comp case, which was his 1/3, and it was a bargain for what we got in return). So, if $2 billion has been paid out to survivors (public estimate), then ***at least $2 billion*** has been paid by RCC Inc to lawyers and PR firms and their spokesholes to keep the truth that they're an organized criminal child rape cult *COVERED UP*. BTW, RCC Inc employs PR firms such as those that tried to spin the crimes of Enron and Arthur Andersen, among others. It isn't the survivors and their lawyers making tons of money, it's the lawyers and PR spokesholes who are making all the money.
BTW, there are *insurance companies* suing RCC Inc for fraud regarding their anti-abuse insurance because bishops *knew* they had abuse problems when they were getting insurance and LIED to the insurance companies that there was no abuse and that they'd obey the law in reporting it. They did neither, so now insurance companies are against RCC because they're losing money by insuring them. There's some evidence that corporations are suing RCC Inc, not just abuse survivors.
For details on all kinds of clergy abuse, including christian ministers and rabbis, check out Bishop Accountability's Abuse Tracker page for credible mainstream media news (including from RCC sources) on the ongoing abuse issue. It hasn't stopped - it never will. Not when you have a pope who rehabilitates the antisemitic SSPX and its bishops and priests (at least three of which have made *public* statements denying the holocaust) and appoints a bishop in Austria who said Hurricane Katrina was punishment for gay-positive New Orleans and because NOLA has the fanciest brothels and most beautiful prostitutes, among his other idiotic moves, like saying Maciel didn't abuse anyone or do anything wrong and protecting him.
Note to self and everyone: religion freaky. It certainly isn't a friend to Native American people, who have all but been genocided by the "kind" ministrations of christian churches.
Very well researched article on how the Alaskan Natives were sacrificed. The article could have been more complete if it had drawn the global connections on how the Catholic Church in many countries has allowed its sex offenders free reign amongst populations who were living in poverty. In Canada a parellel situation was happening with our First Nations people on reserves across the country.
It would appear that this organization responds only to the loss of the almighty dollars in its coffers. The data is in for all who are strong enough to stomach it - this church is morally bankrupt and the average Catholic in churches around the world are too brainwashed to put their religion back on a strong moral footing. Until they do - consider doing what is necessary - withholding funds and continued lawsuits.
Kip - I find your outrageous comments laughable. Look at the face of that girl, she is not lying.
There is only one question you need to answer "KIP" - With all the damage and the millions paid they should come clean and get this behind them. They don't -why.
I give you the answer - its worse than they want everyone to know.
This is sick! I wouldn't have been able to cope with all of this, if i were one of the victims. I pray that these women get through this. I wonder if they will ever trust a religious leader again, i hope so. Suprised no. Mortified, yes.
How unique, a homosexual periodical attacking the Catholic Church.
Perhaps you boys and girls should write about your LGBT comrades and clean your own house first:
The Journal of Homosexuality recently published a special double-issue entitled, "Male Intergenerational Intimacy," containing many articles portraying sex between men and minor boys as loving relationships. One article said parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son "not as a rival or competitor, not as a theft of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home."
In 1995 the homosexual magazine "Guide" said, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …" The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality … we must do it for the children's sake."
Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, "Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist": "In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it."
In a study of advertisements in the influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, Reisman found ads for a "Penetrable Boy Doll … available in three provocative positions. She also found that the number of erotic boy images in each issue of The Advocate averaged 14.
Homosexual newspapers and travel publications advertise prominently for countries where boy prostitution is heavy, such as Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
If you going to mock the Catholic Church, at least show pictures of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mocking the nuns that have given their life to Christ.
Of course many people believe organized religions should be abolished or otherwise dispersed. People believe many things should be abolished, or diminished, or expanded, depending on their perception of them; this is their right. Personally, I've never found what I need in organized religion, but clearly many people have.
I think many of these organizations or movements warrant a serious reevaluation of some of their basic frameworks (an issue that becomes a secular one as soon as crimes such as these are committed). But I'm more interested in hearing a considered debate among secular and religious leaders as to the roots of these issues (including, perhaps, the existence of organized religions in the first place) than I am in hearing yet another "LOL STUPID CHRISTIAN SHEEPLE REDNECKS" type of comment, or in listening to the frankly overbearing smugness of many vocal anti-theist leaders such as Hitchens or Dawkins. Many of the smartest people I've known have been deeply religious, while the converse holds true as well. Your mileage may vary, of course.
Measured and thoughtful debate is the answer here. The reduction of it to staple "Dumb rapist Christians/godless heathen intelligentsia" lines makes progress, of any kind, impossible. Worse, it takes the debate dangerously off-topic: finding and solving the root causes here will be the only way to prevent such tragedies in the future.
aSeattleConservative, and others who have written a response to this article pointing fingers elsewhere, why do you do that?
I absolutely agree that the Catholic church is not the only host for pedophiles in the world. We all know that... so my question to you is this: Do you not think shining a spotlight on a problem of this size within a very powerful organization is important?
Pedophilia and abuse within the catholic church is happening... has been happening for as long as there has been the power and position to abuse, I'm sure. So why are you trying to distract from this problem, why the negativity toward the Stranger for speaking out in this way?
What surprises me here is that everyone who reads this article can't simply agree that what happened to those children is horrible, that those responsible need to be held accountable, and that changes need to be made to ensure that the same will be prevented from happening in the future whenever possible. Is that so hard to agree on?
Why do we all hold onto our reactive natures in these instances? Conservative vs. liberal, non-Christian vs. Christian... At the end of the day, am I wrong in thinking that there should be *some* things that we can agree on? Unless you simply enjoy evil, and want to perpetuate it, why not lend your support to something that is trying to address an issue that needs addressing? Even if the venue (in this case the Stranger) is one that you may have significant differences of opinion with in general, can't you simply focus on what *is* important?
I don't understand why so many people are so focused on our differences of opinion. I think it only detracts from our ability to successfully deal with problems like this one when we squabble over how we don't agree.
Do you, or do you not, think pedophilia and child abuse is wrong? If you do... then do something positive about it. Didn't we all learn in kindergarten that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Well, I would change that to, "If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all." Sometimes what we have to say isn't nice, it's necessary, but if it's not going to help improve the situation at hand, then perhaps you should reevaluate your reasons for speaking out.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that no one is saying that child abuse (sexual or otherwise) is only a problem within the Catholic church. They're just saying that it is a significant problem that is being dealt with poorly if at all, and they're trying to help others wake up and realize just how significant it is.
The Catholic Church doesn't need your support on this issue... what it needs is to know that you do *not* support it on this issue. If you're catholic and you get a lot from your faith, of course this will be difficult to read about for you. But try to realize and acknowledge the difference between supporting your faith (which is absolutely understandable) and supporting a specific portion of your church that is clearly broken and needs fixing. And if you happen to be Christian, then it should be all the more clear to you that it is okay to criticize those abuses of power, it is okay (even necessary) to acknowledge them as being such. According to your bible, didn't Jesus himself fight against the power structure of his own day? Isn't that why he was crucified? If you're Catholic and you want to be Christ-like, then stop blinding yourself to problems within your own "home," stand up for what is right, and do something to change it, to make it better.
Why should'nt Wall call him Stevie, the man does'nt deserve respect. If he did not know this was going on then what was he doing in that position? Ignorance is not a good excuse. Time to go down in the basement of the Vatican and cough up some of the booty that has acculumated over the centuries.
I think my wordiness on this article (which is not a general habit of mine online) is largely because my experience with the Jesuits has been quite positive. I go to a Jesuit school. My father is a professor here, and I have had long interactions with the Fathers of the S.J., whom I've generally found to be thoughtful, intelligent men deeply involved in their faith and their world. Though the abuses are terrible on their own, I think I'm more horrified by them then if they had been perpetrated by, for example, Benedictines or imams. It feels a little morally repugnant to say that, but it's true. It saddens me that the Jesuits, who have the most stringent and restricted entrance requirements in the priesthood (14 years as a novice is common) could have admitted and then tolerated these men. Though no one is permitted these atrocities, the Society of Jesus should be better than this.
This is a sad, sad story and, as with anything having to do with pedophiles, disgusting and infuriating. I have no sympathy for priests who abused children, and even less for any of their superiors who knew (or know) about it and did nothing. They should not only be dismissed from their duties but prosecuted and jailed. However, there are hundreds of millions (close to 1 billion) Catholics in the world, and thousands of priests and nuns (and many, many more lay ministers) who do selfless work serving the poor, the hungry, the sick, and the vulnerable all over the world. I've known many of them personally. They get no attention because it's not flashy and doesn't make headlines or sell newspapers. Again, this doesn't and shouldn't in any way excuse the behavior of pedophiles or those who protect them...absolutely not. However, some perspective is also necessary, and is sadly missing from many of these comments.
I nominate myself as "father" slayer. Any seconds? It will cost a whole dime. All I need is a list... Motive comes forth from being molested as a child and knowing the pain, shame and confusion that NEVER goes away. I am not ashamed to feel or express my utter hatred and contempt for these disgusting, vile beasts who perform horrendous acts on children (or anyone for that matter.) Their last breath should come while looking through bloodied eyes at the rusty shovel coming down once more, as they are simultaneously sodomized by a broken wine bottle.
Sorry. Reading this article stirs up some repressed anger and hostility. My sentiments, sorrow and love goes out to all the victims...
p.s. hmmm. comments arguing anything against this article have got to make you seriously wonder... "aSeattleConservative" just what the hell is your arguement anyway? That this makes it okay? You would'nt happen to be a "father" would you?
Some points.
Alaska was divided into districts in the late 19th century where missionaries of different religions would establish schools on behalf of the Bureau of Education and Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Catholics were given the swampy district between the mouths of the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. Northwest Alaska went to the Swedish Evangelical Brotherhood, Southeast to the Presbyterians, and so on. The Russian Orthodox church was not given a district; it was already present and once the Russians left, it was the only defense for Native people from the newcomer churches, which were considered blasphemous in the eyes of Orthodoxy, the one true church and protector of the faith since Council of Nicaea (iirc).
The Catholics were given this district because it was swampy, filled with mosquitoes and biting insects, spread out over a vast area of wet tundra and riverine sloughs that were hard to get through in summer and winter. Reports of the Bureau of Education are available in Google Books, and accounts of missionaries are online at Library of Congress as well.
AS such, the priest or missionary was often pressed into service as an official representative of the government, as postmaster, judge, sheriff, doctor and translator. Often they were the only people available to translate Yup'ik to English, French, and other languages. In some cases, sexual abuse was perpetrated by whites on Natives and opposed by the Russian Orthodox church, but no other church seemed to oppose it-they all preferred to force marriage onto those caught abusing young girls (George Palmer in fact beat a Russian Priest for opposing his cohabiting with a 12 year old Native girl, almost causing an uprising against the trader).
Also, the Great Death was in 1900-1904 in the Kuskokwim River region as documented by Rev. Henry Kilbuck, who was taking the census in 1900. Robert Fortuine, MD, has written a book and several articles about the devastation of the diseases that arrived in Alaska as a result of the Gold Rush, which included a huge variety of ailments including tropical diseases from crossing Panama (Yellow Fever) as well as things we take for granted today as minor, such as whooping cough, mumps, measles, and chicken pox. Death rates were incredibly high as waves of Gold Rush travelers passed through Native Villages and spread diseases around that the locals had no resistance to. Once one disease was going, another would afflict the survivors and get passed on to the still sick. It was a holocaust.
The Catholic Church has a lot to atone for in this case. I am disgusted but not shocked by aSeattleConservative and Kip, who in the one case demonstrate why Conservatives are simply sad, perverse and defective people and the second an example of sociopathic conditioning. Alaska's Native People, like Natives everywhere, have suffered regrettably thanks to the influx of white people from Europe, from the military to the citizens to the priests and the government. It's time to right some wrongs if we can.
Bashful No Longer: Oswalt, Wendell
Chills and Fever: Fortuine, Robert
and everything by Ann Fienup-Riordan.
Before contact, native people had their own societies. Men, women, elders raised and protected the children together. Taught them skills they'd need when they came of age. Taught them the "rules or laws" of each group in order that they'd become productive members of that society. Taught to rely on each other for survival.
After Contact, they have broken families, acoholism, drug addition, high suicide rates, etc.
"Such progress!"
Yeah, those grandstanding lawyers are SO much worse than priests who abuse their power while holding themselves up as paragons of the correct way to live.
You seem to take it all very personally. Are you a priest or monk yourself, or just a brainwashed Catholic?
Sadly, the same abuse of native peoples by religious and educational authorities has occurred right across North America; there is a long history of this at residential schools in Canada as well. The damage will take generations to set right. My heart goes out to the victims and their families; speaking out is the first step in healing this great wrong.
Years ago (in 1979), when I went through treatment for alcoholism at a facility for Native people in Seattle, I witnessed something that still deeply haunts me to this day should I think about it.
As a part of the addictions therapy at this facility, a group of trauma specialists engaged in an exercise that mentally and emotionally caused victims of sexual trauma to "re-live" their experiences. One of the program's staff members, who was Alaskan Native, volunteered for this exercise. He was "walked through" his experiences of both sexual and physical abuse at the hands of clergy members when he was a boy growing up in Alaska. As the therapists guided this man (who had a very kind, gentle affect) through his trauma, the man suddenly became so enraged that he had to be restrained by six big men who were on the program's staff. This poor fellow was again living through what had happened to him in Alaska, and he was horribly transformed from a calm, rational person into a raging, wounded and angry beast that was literally foaming at the mouth. At one point, I actually thought that his head was going to explode.
As a Native American, but not Alaskan, I have heard stories all my life (I am close to 60 now) about the terrible abuses that were meted out to people from my own tribe in South Dakota (Pine Ridge Agency), as well as almost all other tribes in the U.S. that had been exposed to missionaries and their assorted ilk over the years.
The incident I witnessed in Seattle that icy day long ago shall never be forgotten as it was the greatest display of human rage I have ever known.
this makes my blood boil! and my brain cry in search of answers! How? and Why? then i guess the only other thing i'd like to know is what they plan on doing to eliminate this bologna! the sooner the better!
Thank you to Melvin for sharing that very sad yet educational story. It reminded me of a letter I read in the Seattle Times fifteen years ago, a letter I also found very educational:
Neal Summers And Darrell Cloud -- Releasing Bottled-Up Rage
Some students, teachers and readers of The Times express difficulty comprehending how a long-term victim of childhood sexual abuse could be impelled by rage to kill his abuser.
I'm a state certified mental health counselor. For over 40 years I have worked with victims of childhood sexual abuse: teenagers, women and men. I have encountered murderous rage in several instances, and have worked with both a teenager in Seattle and a woman from Alaska who did attempt murder. The teenager caused serious injury but not death. The woman did kill with an ax. I worked with a client who had been sexually abused by her father for years, and then discovered that he had also sexually abused her daughter. When she got off work each day she sat in her car outside her father's house with a shotgun, ready to shoot to kill the instant he stepped out. Fortunately, she was able to talk out her rage before she got the father in her gun sight.
I gave three workshops for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse in a small town in Washington state. At the conclusion of the third, a woman who had not spoken throughout the workshops asked if she could walk me to my car. Alone with me she quietly said, "I want you to know that I have taken the loaded gun out of my purse. I've carried it for a long time."
For those who can't talk, can't get access to a therapist, the bottled-up rage becomes so intense that the victim is likely to attempt either suicide or murder.
Had Darrell Cloud gone to a therapist the murder of Neal Summers could have been averted. However, the action did clarify what I'm sure many students and probably others knew and kept secret: childhood sexual abuse.
Vera Gallagher, Seattle
Copyright (c) 1994 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.
There is more here than meets the eye. When a church denomination becomes so big that they can hide their own crimes from the public gives them the opportunity to continue in these crimes for decades, then that becomes the real problem. The church has become to powerful for anyone to stop them from these crimes which they sweep under the carpet (under cover), then release them on unsuspecting victims is ungodly. And yet the Pope claims that his church is the one true church, knowing what kind of crimes its hiding. Its ungodly is what it is. The Lord is the judge they will have to face, and in that time he will not be so forgiving. Count on it.
Why are there so many unsourced quotes in your article?
Some details strain credulity--the person who had six cousins commit suicide?
I don't doubt the basic premise of your article; however, it contains elements of the sort of hysteria found in cases where it turns out that nothing untoward has happened--instead, suggestible children were manipulated into making up stories.
Perhaps you can post some notes sourcing the unattributed quotes in your article. I would bet that many of them come from the lawyers and investigators fighting the church, which makes the quotes much less damning.
The irony is in how the Church condemns "unnatural" acts. Celibacy is not only unnatural, but harmful, and as we see here.. can lead to sexual deviancy. Priests are always around children, their sexual impulses will manifest themselves one way or another.. just imagine the sheer number of pedophile priests that simply haven't done anything and haven't been exposed.
The reality is: men need to HAVE SEX, it's inherent to us, so for God's sake or anyone else's do it with a woman.
It was hard to read, but I know it must have been much harder to write. Well done, Mr. Kiley. The complicity, and they are all complicit, of the Church hierarchy in covering up these and countless other abuses is shameful and sinful. It breaks my heart to think that the church I happily grew up in was such a hellish experience for others. I would rather that church cease to exist than another child be victimized by sick and evil men posing as servants of God.
I had thought that the Jesuit church, benedictine groups, and catholic groups were all separate from one another. At least, they didn't go together when I was in Catholic School. Can someone fact check this point?
To all attacking organized religion in this: most people and priests aren't like this. As with many cases, the minority is the loudest. Most Muslims are not terrorists, but still many people associate them with the Muslim religion.
Things like this rarely happen, making this an even bigger deal when it does. Sexual harassment and rape is no small matter, and no, the leaders in the church didn't handle it right at all. But what are people supposed to do? Abandon their beliefs all because of a few fuck-ups?
As a Catholic, I feel EXTREMELY sorry for the injustice that these victims felt at the hand of the church and many people, but the church as a whole is not bad, and they do many things for the community.
petite_nombre wrote:
"Most Muslims are not terrorists, but still many people associate them with the Muslim religion."
Perhaps you meant:
"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims."
--Abdel Rahman al-Rashed
"He then would unzip his pants, and completely expose his genitals to these children, and masturbate to ejaculation as he walked around the classroom. He would ask the girls to touch his penis and would rub his erect penis on their backs, necks, and arms. Sometimes he would wipe or rub his semen on the girls after he ejaculated."
This is just bullshit. It's obviously made up. Come on! If it was in "I, Anon", eveyone would be saying BULLSHIT!
I know it would appear that I am biased in favor of the plaintiffs, being an Alaskan Native myself, but I heartily dispute the previous comment calling a pastor's activity with his students Bull. If you spent one day in an Alaskan village, you would see that most of those people have encountered such pain and dysfunction in their lives at the hand of the Jesuits and other churches, you would know that what they allege is the truth. Substance abuse as a result of broken family life is rampant, as are birth defects; as people in the village drink or do drugs and then procreate, furthering this vicious cycle of despair. My grandfather suffered at the hands of the church--it removed him from the arms of his loving parents and put him in boarding school in an effort to "whiten" him. We all still feel a disaffectedness because of that one seemingly well-meaning effort to bring Alaska's indigenous population "up to par" with white America. Natives have and always will want to continue to live their lives in the traditional way. The Churches easily disrupted that peaceful but separate existence, creating endless despair in the most beautiful place on earth that has cost us all, and not just in taxpayer dollars (therapy, abuse, hospitalization, lawsuits, criminal justice overload, murder).
Pedofiles are EVERYWHERE not just the Catholic church,They are in every religion,income status, poor and rich,schools,daycare,homes, foster and boarding homes,doctors dentists,they have also been protected,shelterd and not exposed by many people of all of the above,is it fair to target only one religion?
I attended Seattle Prep and I swear that Fr. Boly's (surfer boy)interaction with the woman at the other catholic girls school was total wrong. In fact one Jesuit studing to be a priest at the time left and married a girl from the same school that he and Fr. Boly use to visit. When Boly was at St. Joseph's in Seattle he even hired some those women to work there. And continued to maintain a relatinship that seemed strange He basicly bancrupted the parish with is lasting building legacy that was not needed. the man went unchecked for years. He is in Oregon on special assignment. I wonder why?
Pedophile priests are only the tip of a great historical iceberg of corruption. But that may now be coming to an end. The very origin of the roman catholic church is coming under question by a new interpretation of the moral teaching of Christ; redefining the character of faith and the nature of the Resurrection. Is Rome about to fall for the second time? Check the link, join the revolution.
This article provide a lot of information about pedophiles and, as a consecuence, most of the time quote or cite comments expressed in some media (legal documents, catholic files, and so on). Where are the sources cited along the article? I think an addendum should be posted for the sake of clarity and professionalism.
Thanks for your attention.
Regarding Fr. Toulouse
He always showed up at Prep track meets, I think now to watch the boys. But nothing has ever been brought up with the fact when Fr. Toulouse died in Calif, there was a 14-16 year old boy, he was traveling with and was from Washington State. I wonder what his stories are?
This is really disturbing. I do believe that the Catholic church probably does cover things and maybe they do use "dumping grounds". I would like to think that the officials would put the needs of the victims above the offenders. However, since cases like these can be difficult to prove, I'm guessing that there are probably situations in which they don't have enough evidence to excommunicate offenders. In which case, I can actually believe that Catholic officials might use unsuspecting communities as dumping grounds. Truly appalling.
When I hear of stories such as this I can’t help but wonder; what is the difference between a witch and a pedophile?
If memory serves me, this same “religious” organization pursued and punished those who boiled up various animal parts and called out some idiotic verbiage, calling this an effort to save these same people.
It would seem now that people are more learned and sophisticated, there is nothing wrong with assaulting young boys and not being held accountable for screwing up their lives.
Jehovah's Witnesses have the same issues. There are known pedophiles who are protected by the Watchtower society and are knocking on your doors every Saturday morning. There is a huge story here too if anyone cared to look.
To anyone who has ever worked in healthcare in that part of Alaska finding out about this is kind of a light bulb experience because it only makes sense considering the suicides, mental health problems, and chemical dependency it would generate. There are other types of serial preditors who go to that area. They have serial bullies who work in healtcare rendering the treatment very dysfunctional. Many of the pracitioners are incompetent and have been run off from the lower 48. When native people try to get help they are often met with abuse or incompentence. These serial bullies abuse the good staff until they are rendered ill and leave. This leaves a core of staff that essentially can not function. It causes trauma on top of trauma. What a horrendous situation.
This is a sick and sad thing that has happened all these years to all these innocents. In a "civilized" society, these men would be in jail getting what they gave from "bubba". What's even worse is the cloak of secrecy they enjoyed from their superiors. The fact that they want to cover it up at all costs is indicative of their guilt.
All I surmise from this is the one central common denominator; religion, not money is the root of all evil. We all just read the proof.
Not one person has the guts to start killing these animals?The article says it is desolate,no police, what more do you need? Kill everyone of them and there will be no more child rape.
Yes if that religion supports the crime. Either by the specific dogma contained in the scripture OR in the Catholic churches case an actual power structure that actively hid and controlled the information about these priests.
The same can be said for criticizing Islam. In the case of the bible its support of slavery, persecution of homosexuals, and lack of any condemnation of child abuse or rape are good examples as well.
Does this mean that religion should be banned? No. Ideas should never be banned. They should be heard and if they are terrible ideas they should be quickly mocked. We should have a free market of ideas the best will float to the top. That will only happen if people are brave enough to criticize the truly horrible.
the reason these pedo priests abuse boys is that they have IPPA Induced Pedophilic Pheromonic Addiction ,,,which is they are addicted to the unsmelled scents given off by young bodies and need constant 'fixes' which they get by - getting into close contact with young bodies.
The Detergents industry needs to get to work to make anti-APPA sprays for classrooms and toilets and for clothes conditioners for final rinse or for ironing sprays to pedo-prood the children.
It would be nice if the main stream media would change their approach to this. It is the parishioners who continue to attend and fund the church that are enabling these atrocities to continue. The news should call a spade a spade, and the catholic church an evil institution, more appropriately associated with satan than any god, and make it clear that those funding the church are in fact funding these hellish actions.
Why is the Catholic Church allowed to maintain a IRS non-profit status when they spend so many millions of $ donations on covering up felonious crimes by their front line representatives? Why is there not a hue and cry to revoke their non-profit status?
David Clohessy
National Director, SNAP
Survivors Network of those
Abused by Priests
314 566 9790 cell
My most recent letter to Vatican officials including the Pope:
Dear Benedict,
I find the opportunity to communicate via Vatican radio, YouTube and other avenues recently established as a breath of fresh air which can only lead to a better understanding and a more peaceful and just world.
On your recent visit to Australia you spoke of the clergy abuse issue; it is that matter which causes me to write.
At the head of your Vatican Radio it reads "The voice of the Pope and the Church in dialogue with the world". As a past victim of clergy abuse I would like to take the opportunity afforded to establish an avenue of communication with the church in both my own regard and in regards others who have experienced similar abuses. We find that on a universal and on a global basis that we as individuals and very often our families and our children are denied our human rights and our right to justice and fair treatment under the laws of our respective lands as well as in the manner taught by your Church. That this does occur is plain and obvious for all who care to look, to all who attempt to understand or to those who seek a just, humanitarian or Christian response from your Church.
The litany of these abuses and the subsequent failures are found across our entire planet and in each instance where there is some public debate the Church and your bishops are regularly condemned due to their inabilty to provide either a legally just outcome, a morally just outcome as taught by your Church or a Christian outcome. This as you are aware causes all who are involved endless pain and the very existence of these circumstances permits the greatest degree of harm on an individual and on a global basis to continue and singularly engenders the greatest degree of social discordance and human rights abuses experienced on a country level and is the greatest single cause of the significant anger, disgust and at times hatred expressed against your Church, your bishops and Catholics in general. Hatred and anger and disgust which your Church brings upon itself through its own universal failures.
Since your visits to the United States and Australia where you raised the subject of the failure of your bishops to deal with this issue in an appropriate and humane manner they have steadfastly refused to release documentation (except when demanded under the law of the country) which can firstly tell us all of the extent of the problem and provide the basis of the understanding required to develop and implement a Christian and humanitarian response. They have failed to act in accord with the teachings of the Church, the teachings of Jesus Christ and very often in defiance of the spirit of the laws of a country as well as continuing to fail on a human rights level.
As you would well be aware the numbers are staggering despite the majority of victims remaining silent about their abuse due to the lack of support and the injurious manner in which the Church responds to their claims.
In the United States estimates take the number there beyond 100,000 children with a cost against your Church of some $10,000,000,000 to $15,000,000,000 in that country with only a small percentage of outstanding cases having been heard. In Canada the Church has been implicated in the genocide of some 50,000 Native American children as well as tens of thousands of non-Native American children; these as in all other countries are mostly children raised within your own Catholic faith.
In Ireland your Church is unable to ensure the safety of children, your bishops are unable to provide and implement proper safety standards nor is it able to provide the justice and healing your bishops and priests preach of from their pulpits nor does it provide the just and compassionate outcomes sought by countless of your own Catholic people.
It seems that in each locality examined; Canada, Mexico, United States, The Philipines, Australia, New Zealand, Europe the failure is universal and comprehensive and plainly in opposition to the teachings of your Church.
Your Church has failed in the past and continues to fail on a global basis in regards the treatment of those abused by your clergy. While such a state continues to exist around the globe it can be clearly said that this is not in the manner of the teaching of Jesus Christ and as such your Churchs' representation of itself as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ must be brought into question as no Christian respects the current response of the Catholic Church to the clergy abuse issue.
Countless people across the globe petition and beg your leaders, priests and bishops for a change and for your Church to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ yet your princes of God ignore them and deny them faith, justice and peace.
Benedict, your Church, for the sake of humanity must act humanely and justly or forever move on and be seen as the greatest religious failure in the history of mankind.
I have made many attempts to establish a dialogue in regards this matter with bishops and priest across the globe only to be met with silence and the failures inherent in the above. My attempts to communicate and to establish a proper representative dialogue with the Church or instruments of the Church have failed to progress and I am left with this global and public plea for you to take the lead in Christs name and begin that dialogue and communication.
I look forward to being a participant in that process and to taking a role in helping to establish the restoration of dignity and the provision of healing and a sense of justice to all those affected by these atrocities.
with regards
John A Brown
Online reference……
A suggestion about using black bars in the print edition: if your intent was truly to protect the identity of the children, next time delete the space beneath before you add the black bar as a layer. The process the Stranger uses isn't truly opaque.
this article reminds me of jason's song
This sickens me so much.
If there is a god out there, he/she needs to make a reservation in hell for these individuals.
But, I rather see them suffer in this life time if that is possible.
As a practical matter, I like that your article allowed the plaintiffs' legal team to expose the evidence they'd amassed over years of investigation and discovery. I suppose highlighting these allegations puts more pressure on the defendants to settle as the suits roll in, but the article itself is a real public service.
With newspapers' declining ability to fund the kind of months-long investigations articles like these usually require, it's a tiny ray of hope to believe we might learn about big problems at least occasionally. Private lawyers like Poole who fund their own years of evidence-gathering can sometimes pass the information on to the public like this in a way that doesn't compromise their clients' claims.
By Mike Ference
Every day brings new evidence that we no longer live in a civilized and principled society. The worst part, it usually concerns another case of sexual misconduct involving a Catholic priest, young children and a church hierarchy that helped to cover up the case.
The recently unveiled federal grand jury investigation into the Los Angeles Archdiocese and it’s leader, Cardinal Mahony clearly suggests that a regime change should have been made long ago.
To be sure, media pressure and public outrage and a billion dollars in pr fees, legal fees and settlements have inspired displays of contrition from Mahony But as more and more cases of abuse — and cover-up — come to light, one begins to wonder whether Mahony should be considered any more trustworthy than, say, Saddam Hussein.
So — what should be done if the grand jury finds Mahony to be just another member of the hierarchy more concerned with protecting dysfunctional sex freaks than innocent children? Given the level of wreckage and anguish caused in the lives of so many people, it seems appropriate to look to the war on terror for a model strategy.
A first prong of attack might involve a Special Forces unit made up of highly skilled and trained military personnel capable of tracking down and obtaining confessions from any current or former priests accused of acts of sexual abuse against children. If rights are violated, if military personnel sometimes go a little too far, so be it. The Catholic Church had ample opportunity to fess up and repent. Those incapable of civilized behavior shouldn’t expect the rights and privileges of civilization.
A deck of cards can be created to help identify hard-to-find priests as well as the disgraceful church leaders who permitted, and in essence, condoned the sexual abuse of young children. Photos of the most deviant and reprehensible church officials accompanied by a list of their offenses will encourage us all to do our patriotic duty in helping the authorities track down suspected priest-terrorists or at least be able to identify the culprits as they come and go freely because their sins where covered up and the time to criminally prosecute has expired.
Another option would be to divide the nation into territories. A color-code warning system would be established, alerting parents about abusive priests being transferred into their respective regions. Depending on the designated color for a particular region, parents would know whether their children should serve at Mass, go on field trips, or even attend Catholic school that day.
To aid this unique war on terror, a pool of money should be collected, not involuntarily from taxpayers, but voluntarily from those decent human beings who believe crimes committed against our children are sins that God takes very seriously. Some of the funds raised could then be turned into outrageously tempting reward sums for information leading to the capture of our targeted criminals. Once the rogue clerics have been imprisoned and forced to talk, I recommend that their confessions be given to someone like Steven Spielberg or George Romero. Hollywood writers and producers could create a blockbuster movie like Roots or Schindler’s List to serve as a bitter reminder that these crimes should never again be permitted to occur. Tom Savini could be hired to recreate the horror on the faces of child actors chosen to play parts.
Proceeds from the movie could go to victims of abuse and their families. And no matter how old the crime, compensation would be available. There should be no statute of limitations when the rights of children have been violated by those who lived much of their adult lives perched on a pedestal heightened by the trust of innocent and vulnerable believers. In fact, I would extend compensation to the second and perhaps even third generation of sufferers. It would certainly include siblings denied the experience of growing up with a brother or sister untraumatized by such abuse. And since crimes of abuse tend to echo, it would extend to the victims of the victims as well.
If all else fails, is it any less rational to declare war on the Catholic Church as part of a war on child abuse than it was to declare war on Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-Qaeda and apparently had no weapons of mass destruction) as part of a war on terror? How many innocent children have been verifiably lost to this menace — and how many more will be lost if we don’t make a preemptive strike?
As horrific as sexual abuse by priests may be, the perpetrators might merit a more forgiving place if only their superiors had the courage to do the right thing. For a few, counseling and close supervision might have been enough to prevent future abuses. Others clearly required something more intensive — a mental hospital or a prison.
But repeated abuse, as well as willfully hiding the crimes and the criminals — as far as I can see, this brings us much closer to the realm of mortal sin. And the sinners include not just the church hierarchy, but also attorneys who ill-advised parents not to buck the system and take on the Catholic Church, or may even have provided inside information to thwart legitimate cases against the church, law enforcement officials who may have thought it best to warn church officials of pending investigations, and janitors, housekeepers, teachers, and employees of the Catholic Church who kept silent because of concerns about a paycheck, a 401K, a pension, or a fear of standing up to church authorities. God has a place for everyone — and if you abuse children or protect the abusers of children, we can only hope that your place is called hell.
"get it while you can."
"Private lawyers like Poole..."
James Poole is allegedly one of the worst offenders, not a private lawyer.
for a Communion Day celebration.
What catholics and christians don't know also is that their central myth *begins* with the ****rape**** of a little girl who had been pimped by her parents to work as a temple "dove", a servant who was there to provide more services than just cleaning and dusting - her function was to be a temple prostitute as was the function of *all* children in religious temples in that part of the world at the time (not unusual at all). Even if sex wasn't her primary job, don't think that pedophiles of the day weren't in those temples taking full advantage of children that were given to those temples in order to enrich their parents financially, religiously, and socially. Thing is, the story has been prettied up with birdies, angels, and bright lights - and a rape victim who is said to have said, "What? God raped me? And now I'm going to bear God's child? How wonderful!" So, pedophilia is not only something promoted throughout the old testament, but it's something the bible god did to make a clone of himself on earth to cure a non-existent disease, and his minions thereafter have felt the holy obligation to emulate this god at every opportunity and rape every child available that has been pimped by their parents through baptism - a turning over of ownership to RCC Inc to do with their children as RCC Inc chooses. The conspiracy has existed since the time of Abraham, it has never stopped, and it never will.
All of this evil disguised as goodness and holiness must be stopped for the good of all children and vulnerable adults. It starts by as many people leaving as possible. It starts by not putting a penny in collection baskets any more.
It stops by prosecuting abusers and their protectors to the fullest extent of the law.…
Let's see some stories about pedophile Rabbis.... ain't gonna happen.
Just a wake up call to you dumb goy who think news is fair and balanced... it's not.
Now this morning I gotta say this is the first Stranger comments thread to mash up Foucault's Pendulum with a "priest and a rabbi" joke.
Helping the victims is important, but your effort leaves the offenders and those who support them without punishment, consequence, or accountability. $$$$ is the only language these people seem to understand.
Signed: one of the victims mentioned in the article above
Plenty of pedophiles are married men, unfortunately.
As Dan's youth pastor series shows, pedophiles seek jobs that give them authority over children.
But you'll just blow me off and go suck some more fluoride. This is a nation of adult children.
i guess no group is exempt.
imho a big part of the blame lies not on the content of the catholic beliefs but in the way the power structure is set up. any time the power is held in the hands of a few men, you are going to have trouble b/c they are going to want to hush up anything that would disrupt their power structure.
it is so sad that these children were allowed to suffer because those in charge wanted to save face.
I know there are many Catholic priests out there who are horrible people and who have committed terrible acts. There are around 500,000 members of the Catholic priesthood around the world. In a population sample that large, a given amount of pedophiles is sure to occur; other factors, certainly including celibacy, likely account for a higher than statistically average occurrence.
To complicate the problem, the church does have the largest religious infrastructure and coffers in the world; it is, or at least has been, more than capable of smoothing over problems to protect its image and work.
The abuses imposed on these and other victims are heinous and unforgivable, and should not be smoothed over by the church, or any other religion or organization. These men are mentally ill criminals, who deserve treatment for their diseases and punishment for their crimes, to the same extent that would be faced by a member of the laity.
With that said, I hesitate to wholly condemn the church. The Holy See has been remarkably negligent, this is true. The church, however, is the charge of the See, not the sum of it. The church is composed of millions of people who have chosen, at various levels of conformity and adherence to doctrine, to believe in and participate in something they believe can bring them peace, hope, and healing.
Let us condemn the perpetrators of these crimes. Let us condemn those who allowed the crimes to continue. Condemn the systems that permit things to be swept under the rug or shuffled somewhere 'safer'. Let us hope and pray that these poor victims may find peace and healing, and let us actively work with them to accomplish that. Let us change these truths rather than simply be outraged at them.
A broad condemnation of the church, however, hurts more people than it helps. Mother Teresa, St. Francis of Assi, and countless others who did and do incalculable amounts of good in this world counted and count themselves as members of the church. Many people I know view their lives as being richer for being Catholic, and I am glad for them.
Tragedies like these can and do occur anywhere. As a Jew, I can say that the mention in a previous comment of Hasidic abuse is sadly familiar. Indeed, the nature of cloistered religious communities of all types lends itself to this type of abuse. The Catholic church is especially vulnerable due to its size, resources, and history. This is something people of all walks of life need to be vigilant about.
I hope that justice is meted out to those responsible, and I hope that all sides can find peace and healing. If you are a victim of these crimes, or those like them, my prayers are with you.
I hope this discussion, on this page and across the world, can generate more than mere vitriol and trolling. I hope.
You have never lived with Native American children, or in Alaska- that's obvious from your scathing rebuke. I can DEFINITELY see this happening with those kids in these isolated places. Having gone to elementary school on Tulalip's res, I know that native american kids are different by culture, environment and parenting. Add to that complete village isolation, all-powerful priests with pedophilic 'needs' and this is exactly what you get.
Shut the f**k up about issues you know nothing about.
As for the Catholic church- I hope Benedict and his host of pervs burn in their Hell for eternity. SICK, SICK, SICK.
Some people honestly believe that organized religion should be abolished. I think that organized religion has done more good than harm, but I think I understand why some people think otherwise.
I was googling for a Bible verse that I couldn't quite remember when I came across a webpage that I think is perfect as a comment for this article. It is titled "The Christian Deists: Christians Without Churches:"…
BTW, there are *insurance companies* suing RCC Inc for fraud regarding their anti-abuse insurance because bishops *knew* they had abuse problems when they were getting insurance and LIED to the insurance companies that there was no abuse and that they'd obey the law in reporting it. They did neither, so now insurance companies are against RCC because they're losing money by insuring them. There's some evidence that corporations are suing RCC Inc, not just abuse survivors.
For details on all kinds of clergy abuse, including christian ministers and rabbis, check out Bishop Accountability's Abuse Tracker page for credible mainstream media news (including from RCC sources) on the ongoing abuse issue. It hasn't stopped - it never will. Not when you have a pope who rehabilitates the antisemitic SSPX and its bishops and priests (at least three of which have made *public* statements denying the holocaust) and appoints a bishop in Austria who said Hurricane Katrina was punishment for gay-positive New Orleans and because NOLA has the fanciest brothels and most beautiful prostitutes, among his other idiotic moves, like saying Maciel didn't abuse anyone or do anything wrong and protecting him.
Note to self and everyone: religion freaky. It certainly isn't a friend to Native American people, who have all but been genocided by the "kind" ministrations of christian churches.
It would appear that this organization responds only to the loss of the almighty dollars in its coffers. The data is in for all who are strong enough to stomach it - this church is morally bankrupt and the average Catholic in churches around the world are too brainwashed to put their religion back on a strong moral footing. Until they do - consider doing what is necessary - withholding funds and continued lawsuits.
There is only one question you need to answer "KIP" - With all the damage and the millions paid they should come clean and get this behind them. They don't -why.
I give you the answer - its worse than they want everyone to know.
Perhaps you boys and girls should write about your LGBT comrades and clean your own house first:
The Journal of Homosexuality recently published a special double-issue entitled, "Male Intergenerational Intimacy," containing many articles portraying sex between men and minor boys as loving relationships. One article said parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son "not as a rival or competitor, not as a theft of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home."
In 1995 the homosexual magazine "Guide" said, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …" The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality … we must do it for the children's sake."
Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, "Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist": "In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it."
In a study of advertisements in the influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, Reisman found ads for a "Penetrable Boy Doll … available in three provocative positions. She also found that the number of erotic boy images in each issue of The Advocate averaged 14.
Homosexual newspapers and travel publications advertise prominently for countries where boy prostitution is heavy, such as Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
If you going to mock the Catholic Church, at least show pictures of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mocking the nuns that have given their life to Christ.
Of course many people believe organized religions should be abolished or otherwise dispersed. People believe many things should be abolished, or diminished, or expanded, depending on their perception of them; this is their right. Personally, I've never found what I need in organized religion, but clearly many people have.
I think many of these organizations or movements warrant a serious reevaluation of some of their basic frameworks (an issue that becomes a secular one as soon as crimes such as these are committed). But I'm more interested in hearing a considered debate among secular and religious leaders as to the roots of these issues (including, perhaps, the existence of organized religions in the first place) than I am in hearing yet another "LOL STUPID CHRISTIAN SHEEPLE REDNECKS" type of comment, or in listening to the frankly overbearing smugness of many vocal anti-theist leaders such as Hitchens or Dawkins. Many of the smartest people I've known have been deeply religious, while the converse holds true as well. Your mileage may vary, of course.
Measured and thoughtful debate is the answer here. The reduction of it to staple "Dumb rapist Christians/godless heathen intelligentsia" lines makes progress, of any kind, impossible. Worse, it takes the debate dangerously off-topic: finding and solving the root causes here will be the only way to prevent such tragedies in the future.
I absolutely agree that the Catholic church is not the only host for pedophiles in the world. We all know that... so my question to you is this: Do you not think shining a spotlight on a problem of this size within a very powerful organization is important?
Pedophilia and abuse within the catholic church is happening... has been happening for as long as there has been the power and position to abuse, I'm sure. So why are you trying to distract from this problem, why the negativity toward the Stranger for speaking out in this way?
What surprises me here is that everyone who reads this article can't simply agree that what happened to those children is horrible, that those responsible need to be held accountable, and that changes need to be made to ensure that the same will be prevented from happening in the future whenever possible. Is that so hard to agree on?
Why do we all hold onto our reactive natures in these instances? Conservative vs. liberal, non-Christian vs. Christian... At the end of the day, am I wrong in thinking that there should be *some* things that we can agree on? Unless you simply enjoy evil, and want to perpetuate it, why not lend your support to something that is trying to address an issue that needs addressing? Even if the venue (in this case the Stranger) is one that you may have significant differences of opinion with in general, can't you simply focus on what *is* important?
I don't understand why so many people are so focused on our differences of opinion. I think it only detracts from our ability to successfully deal with problems like this one when we squabble over how we don't agree.
Do you, or do you not, think pedophilia and child abuse is wrong? If you do... then do something positive about it. Didn't we all learn in kindergarten that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Well, I would change that to, "If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all." Sometimes what we have to say isn't nice, it's necessary, but if it's not going to help improve the situation at hand, then perhaps you should reevaluate your reasons for speaking out.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that no one is saying that child abuse (sexual or otherwise) is only a problem within the Catholic church. They're just saying that it is a significant problem that is being dealt with poorly if at all, and they're trying to help others wake up and realize just how significant it is.
The Catholic Church doesn't need your support on this issue... what it needs is to know that you do *not* support it on this issue. If you're catholic and you get a lot from your faith, of course this will be difficult to read about for you. But try to realize and acknowledge the difference between supporting your faith (which is absolutely understandable) and supporting a specific portion of your church that is clearly broken and needs fixing. And if you happen to be Christian, then it should be all the more clear to you that it is okay to criticize those abuses of power, it is okay (even necessary) to acknowledge them as being such. According to your bible, didn't Jesus himself fight against the power structure of his own day? Isn't that why he was crucified? If you're Catholic and you want to be Christ-like, then stop blinding yourself to problems within your own "home," stand up for what is right, and do something to change it, to make it better.
I think my wordiness on this article (which is not a general habit of mine online) is largely because my experience with the Jesuits has been quite positive. I go to a Jesuit school. My father is a professor here, and I have had long interactions with the Fathers of the S.J., whom I've generally found to be thoughtful, intelligent men deeply involved in their faith and their world. Though the abuses are terrible on their own, I think I'm more horrified by them then if they had been perpetrated by, for example, Benedictines or imams. It feels a little morally repugnant to say that, but it's true. It saddens me that the Jesuits, who have the most stringent and restricted entrance requirements in the priesthood (14 years as a novice is common) could have admitted and then tolerated these men. Though no one is permitted these atrocities, the Society of Jesus should be better than this.
Sorry. Reading this article stirs up some repressed anger and hostility. My sentiments, sorrow and love goes out to all the victims...
Alaska was divided into districts in the late 19th century where missionaries of different religions would establish schools on behalf of the Bureau of Education and Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Catholics were given the swampy district between the mouths of the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. Northwest Alaska went to the Swedish Evangelical Brotherhood, Southeast to the Presbyterians, and so on. The Russian Orthodox church was not given a district; it was already present and once the Russians left, it was the only defense for Native people from the newcomer churches, which were considered blasphemous in the eyes of Orthodoxy, the one true church and protector of the faith since Council of Nicaea (iirc).
The Catholics were given this district because it was swampy, filled with mosquitoes and biting insects, spread out over a vast area of wet tundra and riverine sloughs that were hard to get through in summer and winter. Reports of the Bureau of Education are available in Google Books, and accounts of missionaries are online at Library of Congress as well.
AS such, the priest or missionary was often pressed into service as an official representative of the government, as postmaster, judge, sheriff, doctor and translator. Often they were the only people available to translate Yup'ik to English, French, and other languages. In some cases, sexual abuse was perpetrated by whites on Natives and opposed by the Russian Orthodox church, but no other church seemed to oppose it-they all preferred to force marriage onto those caught abusing young girls (George Palmer in fact beat a Russian Priest for opposing his cohabiting with a 12 year old Native girl, almost causing an uprising against the trader).
Also, the Great Death was in 1900-1904 in the Kuskokwim River region as documented by Rev. Henry Kilbuck, who was taking the census in 1900. Robert Fortuine, MD, has written a book and several articles about the devastation of the diseases that arrived in Alaska as a result of the Gold Rush, which included a huge variety of ailments including tropical diseases from crossing Panama (Yellow Fever) as well as things we take for granted today as minor, such as whooping cough, mumps, measles, and chicken pox. Death rates were incredibly high as waves of Gold Rush travelers passed through Native Villages and spread diseases around that the locals had no resistance to. Once one disease was going, another would afflict the survivors and get passed on to the still sick. It was a holocaust.
The Catholic Church has a lot to atone for in this case. I am disgusted but not shocked by aSeattleConservative and Kip, who in the one case demonstrate why Conservatives are simply sad, perverse and defective people and the second an example of sociopathic conditioning. Alaska's Native People, like Natives everywhere, have suffered regrettably thanks to the influx of white people from Europe, from the military to the citizens to the priests and the government. It's time to right some wrongs if we can.
Bashful No Longer: Oswalt, Wendell
Chills and Fever: Fortuine, Robert
and everything by Ann Fienup-Riordan.
After Contact, they have broken families, acoholism, drug addition, high suicide rates, etc.
"Such progress!"
Yeah, those grandstanding lawyers are SO much worse than priests who abuse their power while holding themselves up as paragons of the correct way to live.
You seem to take it all very personally. Are you a priest or monk yourself, or just a brainwashed Catholic?
As a part of the addictions therapy at this facility, a group of trauma specialists engaged in an exercise that mentally and emotionally caused victims of sexual trauma to "re-live" their experiences. One of the program's staff members, who was Alaskan Native, volunteered for this exercise. He was "walked through" his experiences of both sexual and physical abuse at the hands of clergy members when he was a boy growing up in Alaska. As the therapists guided this man (who had a very kind, gentle affect) through his trauma, the man suddenly became so enraged that he had to be restrained by six big men who were on the program's staff. This poor fellow was again living through what had happened to him in Alaska, and he was horribly transformed from a calm, rational person into a raging, wounded and angry beast that was literally foaming at the mouth. At one point, I actually thought that his head was going to explode.
As a Native American, but not Alaskan, I have heard stories all my life (I am close to 60 now) about the terrible abuses that were meted out to people from my own tribe in South Dakota (Pine Ridge Agency), as well as almost all other tribes in the U.S. that had been exposed to missionaries and their assorted ilk over the years.
The incident I witnessed in Seattle that icy day long ago shall never be forgotten as it was the greatest display of human rage I have ever known.
Neal Summers And Darrell Cloud -- Releasing Bottled-Up Rage
Some students, teachers and readers of The Times express difficulty comprehending how a long-term victim of childhood sexual abuse could be impelled by rage to kill his abuser.
I'm a state certified mental health counselor. For over 40 years I have worked with victims of childhood sexual abuse: teenagers, women and men. I have encountered murderous rage in several instances, and have worked with both a teenager in Seattle and a woman from Alaska who did attempt murder. The teenager caused serious injury but not death. The woman did kill with an ax. I worked with a client who had been sexually abused by her father for years, and then discovered that he had also sexually abused her daughter. When she got off work each day she sat in her car outside her father's house with a shotgun, ready to shoot to kill the instant he stepped out. Fortunately, she was able to talk out her rage before she got the father in her gun sight.
I gave three workshops for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse in a small town in Washington state. At the conclusion of the third, a woman who had not spoken throughout the workshops asked if she could walk me to my car. Alone with me she quietly said, "I want you to know that I have taken the loaded gun out of my purse. I've carried it for a long time."
For those who can't talk, can't get access to a therapist, the bottled-up rage becomes so intense that the victim is likely to attempt either suicide or murder.
Had Darrell Cloud gone to a therapist the murder of Neal Summers could have been averted. However, the action did clarify what I'm sure many students and probably others knew and kept secret: childhood sexual abuse.
Vera Gallagher, Seattle
Copyright (c) 1994 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.
Why are there so many unsourced quotes in your article?
Some details strain credulity--the person who had six cousins commit suicide?
I don't doubt the basic premise of your article; however, it contains elements of the sort of hysteria found in cases where it turns out that nothing untoward has happened--instead, suggestible children were manipulated into making up stories.
Perhaps you can post some notes sourcing the unattributed quotes in your article. I would bet that many of them come from the lawyers and investigators fighting the church, which makes the quotes much less damning.
The reality is: men need to HAVE SEX, it's inherent to us, so for God's sake or anyone else's do it with a woman.
Things like this rarely happen, making this an even bigger deal when it does. Sexual harassment and rape is no small matter, and no, the leaders in the church didn't handle it right at all. But what are people supposed to do? Abandon their beliefs all because of a few fuck-ups?
As a Catholic, I feel EXTREMELY sorry for the injustice that these victims felt at the hand of the church and many people, but the church as a whole is not bad, and they do many things for the community.
A few bad apples do not ruin the bunch.
"Most Muslims are not terrorists, but still many people associate them with the Muslim religion."
Perhaps you meant:
"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims."
--Abdel Rahman al-Rashed
not even half of all child molesters are catholic, most are regular people.
This is just bullshit. It's obviously made up. Come on! If it was in "I, Anon", eveyone would be saying BULLSHIT!
your a fuckin piece of shit
Thanks for your attention.
He always showed up at Prep track meets, I think now to watch the boys. But nothing has ever been brought up with the fact when Fr. Toulouse died in Calif, there was a 14-16 year old boy, he was traveling with and was from Washington State. I wonder what his stories are?
If memory serves me, this same “religious” organization pursued and punished those who boiled up various animal parts and called out some idiotic verbiage, calling this an effort to save these same people.
It would seem now that people are more learned and sophisticated, there is nothing wrong with assaulting young boys and not being held accountable for screwing up their lives.
All I surmise from this is the one central common denominator; religion, not money is the root of all evil. We all just read the proof.
Yes if that religion supports the crime. Either by the specific dogma contained in the scripture OR in the Catholic churches case an actual power structure that actively hid and controlled the information about these priests.
The same can be said for criticizing Islam. In the case of the bible its support of slavery, persecution of homosexuals, and lack of any condemnation of child abuse or rape are good examples as well.
Does this mean that religion should be banned? No. Ideas should never be banned. They should be heard and if they are terrible ideas they should be quickly mocked. We should have a free market of ideas the best will float to the top. That will only happen if people are brave enough to criticize the truly horrible.
The Detergents industry needs to get to work to make anti-APPA sprays for classrooms and toilets and for clothes conditioners for final rinse or for ironing sprays to pedo-prood the children.