Features Jun 8, 2011 at 4:00 am

Tell Street Canvassers to Stop Bothering You Without Saying a Word


@93 is spot on. These guys are aggressive. I can't walk to lunch without someone jumping in front of me trying to hand me a flyer. I don't expect them to have perfect recall and remember the last time I said "no", so maybe I need an opt-out card taped to my forehead.

Obviously we can't rely on common decency. So maybe we could pass a law that forbids certain behaviors for solicitors. Such a law should include, at least: do not move your body or limbs to interfere with someone's direction of travel.

Also, it might be a impossible to legislate, but I'd also like it if they would give up after I tell them "no" the first time. And please don't interrupt the conversation I'm having with my friend.

This whole thread is a bunch of over exaggerated pissing and moaning sprinkled with stereotypical PNW/Seattle cry baby bullshit.
OK, I've read about half of these and first, what's with all the hate on homeless people, and the assumption that they are "crazies" and "addicts"? Fuck, it's called mental illness, addiction, and plain being down on your luck and is not related to the canvasser issue at all. At least in Ballard, the homeless folks are pretty much the same crew and they keep to themselves or sell real change. I could go on, but back to the canvassers- for those who thing it's passive-aggressive, sometimes you get past the passive point when it's a daily occurrence, like every time I walk down Market Street in Ballard to get a sandwich or take a work break. I HATE it when they target me from half a block away and wave and hog up the main intersection where after denying one person, there are two more waiting across the street for you. I don't want to get to the aggressive stage of being angry with them, but I am a bit past the passive stage. I already alter my route to take a street north of Market. It seems they'd have better luck on weekends and not when the regular population who live and work in Ballard and just doing their daily thing. When did being passive aggressive become worse than being passive or aggressive??? And give me a break if you think this is a western Washington thing, it's an American thing.
I say give them a penny and demand a receipt for your donation, (the federal government now requires a receipt for all charitable donations no matter how small in order to write it off)

Also, sick of Safeway asking me to donate to whatever that month's charity is by rounding up my change. If Safeway wants to donate some of it's corporate profits, by all means. Have at it. I, however, have my own charities that I care about and budget for, and even if it's "only 36 cents" I don't care. You're not even matching it, and it's not what I'm there for. This goes for all stores that try to get my money for charity at the check out counter.
one ignorant person put up a false statement and no one bothered to look it up. no fundraiser out there gets 90% of your donation. and if you look into any organization, they all put away some money for fundraising. you may not the face to face but some people do. don't ruin it for them.
one ignorant person posted a false comment and no one bothered to make sure it was true. no fundraiser on the street earns 90% of what the donor gives. and if you check into any organization, they all put away a small percentage for fundraising. you may not like face to face, but they are reaching out to a huge group of great people. don't ruin it for them.
This is silly. People like charity, and the people who like giving to affect people like people. Having a person to present the charity is a lovely way to get involved particularly because heart to heart face to face is a stellar way to have these orgs presented. Familiar or not it's an opportunity to get involved and nobody has to stop or do it but those that want to get to in a savvy, cost efficient, plesant and personal way. These NGOs invest innthis medium of fundraisig actually because it's the MOST cost efficient method of fundraising. Be powerful, stop if u want, don't f u don't. Enjoy the fact that you get to :) not all cities in America have this resource. (face to face street fundraising) And not all nations have toilets to flush or clean water to drink. I love learning about charities, do not love junk mail and think fundraisers are an asset & that probably we can all e respectful
i keep reading "yes but they're still essentially taking money away from the charity." this isn't true. all fundraising costs money. even if you've got a bunch of volunteers with jars, somebody had to buy the jars. canvassing has an aim of a 3:1 return on investment within an allotted amount of time. Usually 5 years or so. it takes money in the short term, and then triples it in the long.

Also. Apologies for anyone who's ever been aggressive with you. If you need to tell us to fuck off, or hand out a card, or spit or what have you. That's fine. Sometimes things like being asked repeatedly to talk about an issue can be annoying. I'm not being passive aggressive. I really do understand.

I would just ask that you try to be cool about it. It sounds weird saying something like this, but many of you probably have friends that canvass. These consultancies employ a lot of people. Do your best to treat the strangers with clipboards the way you'd treat a close friend who happened to be a canvasser. Be respectful, regardless of their behavior, and either move on or listen. It's fine either way.

I've had a lot of friends who've groaned when i tell them what i do, but many over time have come to be a lot kinder to folks that canvass just because they know that i'm a reasonable, generous, level headed person. if i'm out there, then they probably should be nice to the whole lot, because they wouldn't want to be shitty to someone who could possibly be me (that whole sentence sounds super arrogant. my apologies).

i know. fuck off canvassers. leave me the fuck alone. i know. feel free to say it directly into my face. it's a free country. i'm going to keep working though. i might as well try and help while im young and able bodied. also a fuck off or a sneer or even a punch in the gut isn't nearly as bad as dying from cholera. so i'll probably be ok.

anywho. big fan of the stranger and free papers in general. from chicago and we have one here called the reader. it's nice. shouts out to city pages in minneapolis and all the other free rags. thanks for keeping writers writing. if there's ever a canvass for people who write for free papers, i promise i'll give my $15 a month.
i keep reading "yes but they're still essentially taking money away from the charity." this isn't true. all fundraising costs money. even if you've got a bunch of volunteers with jars, somebody had to buy the jars. canvassing has an aim of a 3:1 return on investment within an allotted amount of time. Usually 5 years or so. it takes money in the short term, and then triples it in the long.

Also. Apologies for anyone who's ever been aggressive with you. If you need to tell us to fuck off, or hand out a card, or spit or what have you. That's fine. Sometimes things like being asked repeatedly to talk about an issue can be annoying. I'm not being passive aggressive. I really do understand.

I would just ask that you try to be cool about it. It sounds weird saying something like this, but many of you probably have friends that canvass. These consultancies employ a lot of people. Do your best to treat the strangers with clipboards the way you'd treat a close friend who happened to be a canvasser. Be respectful, regardless of their behavior, and either move on or listen. It's fine either way.

I've had a lot of friends who've groaned when i tell them what i do, but many over time have come to be a lot kinder to folks that canvass just because they know that i'm a reasonable, generous, level headed person. if i'm out there, then they probably should be nice to the whole lot, because they wouldn't want to be shitty to someone who could possibly be me (that whole sentence sounds super arrogant. my apologies).

i know. fuck off canvassers. leave me the fuck alone. i know. feel free to say it directly into my face. it's a free country. i'm going to keep working though. i might as well try and help while im young and able bodied. also a fuck off or a sneer or even a punch in the gut isn't nearly as bad as dying from cholera. so i'll probably be ok.

anywho. big fan of the stranger and free papers in general. from chicago and we have one here called the reader. it's nice. shouts out to city pages in minneapolis and all the other free rags. thanks for keeping writers writing. if there's ever a canvass for people who write for free papers, i promise i'll give my $15 a month.

if you see the same people on a daily basis, why not make a new friend with a fundraiser instead of being a condescending bitch? that way, you'll have real humans to complain to instead of queefing your first world problems all over the internet! "oh, you're actually awesome! previously i had to walk an entire extra block to avoid talking to you about doing something AWESOME so i could go get my sandwich!"

as for seattle's lunatic wet brain population, it blows my mind that people have sympathy for addicts and people who are "just down on their luck!" what a sick guilt complex.

however, you can not stand people who are gainfully employed who have a direct impact on things like your reproductive system (you're welcome!), disaster relief (you're welcome!), people in the developing world who don't have alternate routes to sandwiches to bitch about (YOU'RE WELCOME!), your civil liberties (YOU'RE WELCOME!), etc.

get oooooooooover yourself.
WOW. You guys can't be serious. I am ashamed as an American to read this article.

As a person from seattle who's signed up for EVERY charity i donate to on the street because of my good experiences and my research of their efficiency, you mr holden, make me laugh and want to punch you in the face at the same time.You are a very small percentage of seattle. this is the most generous city in the USA. Most people i know who donate have done so on the street very happily and have been proud supporters for years both of our local fundraisers, their passion, and their causes, and I happily greet them when I see them.

There are street canvassers out there who are actually really fun and respectful, I talk to them regularly.
They're non-comissioned and most of them fully support their cause and don't treat you badly no matter what, you're just blowing up your frustration. How is it such a progressive city has people lumping all professionals into one category, i'm so sorry to burst your bubble guys but there are bad businessman and supreme ones in every field. And every one of you who is going to refuse to talk to ANY street rep because of bad experiences, u obviously are not serious about wanting to help anyway and will use this as a crutch rather then telling the aggressive ones to fuck off and listening to the respectful and RESPECTED ones. Some of these issues are actually very pressing, and we can do our part to solve them, but we also should choose wisely which charities and fundraising companies to support. That's my thought on street fundraisers.

I actually looked up the way the non-commissioned fundraising companies work, they have a zero tolerance policy for rude behavior, and these guys never cost the charity money, in fact they bring in more help than any other type of fundraising. use your head, if they did do you think a NON-PROFIT would have them out on the street as representation? COME ON. I don't however support the commissioned fundraisers, their companies do actually cost the charity money.

So mr. holden Way to encourage a healthy society, way to battle passive aggressive bs with a coupon, that's not passive aggressive at all. do u feel your balls shrinking? i think u announced the answer to that yourself in your stinkin article. yes. some are fundraisers are good and some are bad. so how dare you try to speak for all of seattle just because you can't stand up for yourself. take your own passive aggressive bs and eat it. that's putting it nicely. u wanted to battle aggression with aggression.

Meanwhile, I will continue to support the people who do their job well in representing a cause i support, because they are sent out there BY THAT CHARITY precisely to talk to the people who do give a shit. I will continue to tell the assholes to fuck off, and address the problem where it matters, just like in any other situation. I encourage the rest of the WORLD, not just this city, to do the same. Please don't shun an entire organization/cause because of a personal day-to-day discomfort that can easily be overcome. That's just so so selfish. and petty. and you're a jackass and a sheep if you do.

To all of you who are upset or feel misinformed- do your research and grow a pair. u live in the land of the free.

And to you mr. holden, next time you deal with a shitty fundraiser, find out who their employer is, contact said employer AND the charity, and DO something productive about it.
Don't you dare try to represent the good people of seattle with the very passive aggressive, hindering bullshit that u bothered to complain about, the well-mannered fundraisers are good people just like us to take the job very seriously actually make a huge positive change for the charity that hired them, so you are also saying you won't support their number one way of sustainability. Congratulations, you are a hypocrite and it bothers me that u even live in my beloved city. You obviously just wanted to complain, and didn't really want to solve the problem. You have lost any respect I could have had for you as an individual, and i know I'm not the only one who's pissed you opened your mouth and threw up rather than being constructive. way to go. And you, Stranger, i used to respect your newspaper, lately I've seen more and more self-centered emotional bitching articles that I wish I hadn't taken the time to read. This one takes the cake.
WOW. You guys can't be serious. I am ashamed as an American to read this article.

As a person from seattle who's signed up for EVERY charity i donate to on the street because of my good experiences and my research of their efficiency, you mr holden, make me laugh and want to punch you in the face at the same time.You are a very small percentage of seattle. this is the most generous city in the USA. Most people i know who donate have done so on the street very happily and have been proud supporters for years both of our local fundraisers, their passion, and their causes, and I happily greet them when I see them.

There are street canvassers out there who are actually really fun and respectful, I talk to them regularly.
They're non-comissioned and most of them fully support their cause and don't treat you badly no matter what, you're just blowing up your frustration. How is it such a progressive city has people lumping all professionals into one category, i'm so sorry to burst your bubble guys but there are bad businessman and supreme ones in every field. And every one of you who is going to refuse to talk to ANY street rep because of bad experiences, u obviously are not serious about wanting to help anyway and will use this as a crutch rather then telling the aggressive ones to fuck off and listening to the respectful and RESPECTED ones. Some of these issues are actually very pressing, and we can do our part to solve them, but we also should choose wisely which charities and fundraising companies to support. That's my thought on street fundraisers.

I actually looked up the way the non-commissioned fundraising companies work, they have a zero tolerance policy for rude behavior, and these guys never cost the charity money, in fact they bring in more help than any other type of fundraising. use your head, if they did do you think a NON-PROFIT would have them out on the street as representation? COME ON. I don't however support the commissioned fundraisers, their companies do actually cost the charity money.

So mr. holden Way to encourage a healthy society, way to battle passive aggressive bs with a coupon, that's not passive aggressive at all. do u feel your balls shrinking? i think u announced the answer to that yourself in your stinkin article. yes. some are fundraisers are good and some are bad. so how dare you try to speak for all of seattle just because you can't stand up for yourself. take your own passive aggressive bs and eat it. that's putting it nicely. u wanted to battle aggression with aggression.

Meanwhile, I will continue to support the people who do their job well in representing a cause i support, because they are sent out there BY THAT CHARITY precisely to talk to the people who do give a shit. I will continue to tell the assholes to fuck off, and address the problem where it matters, just like in any other situation. I encourage the rest of the WORLD, not just this city, to do the same. Please don't shun an entire organization/cause because of a personal day-to-day discomfort that can easily be overcome. That's just so so selfish. and petty. and you're a jackass and a sheep if you do.

To all of you who are upset or feel misinformed- do your research and grow a pair. u live in the land of the free.

And to you mr. holden, next time you deal with a shitty fundraiser, find out who their employer is, contact said employer AND the charity, and DO something productive about it.
Don't you dare try to represent the good people of seattle with the very passive aggressive, hindering bullshit that u bothered to complain about, the well-mannered fundraisers are good people just like us to take the job very seriously actually make a huge positive change for the charity that hired them, so you are also saying you won't support their number one way of sustainability. Congratulations, you are a hypocrite and it bothers me that u even live in my beloved city. You obviously just wanted to complain, and didn't really want to solve the problem. You have lost any respect I could have had for you as an individual, and i know I'm not the only one who's pissed you opened your mouth and threw up rather than being constructive. way to go. And you, Stranger, growing up i used to respect your newspaper and it's sharp progressive opinions, lately I've seen more and more self-centered emotional bitching articles that I wish I hadn't taken the time to read. This one takes the cake.
Yeah! Lets print out stuff on paper that espouses our view on a controversial issue and then give it out to people who dont want it. Wait, that is what the canvassers are doing in the first place. Talk about a lame ass, eye for an eye philosophy applied to something as ridiculous as dealing with canvassers. Get a fucking grip and stop wasting paper. Say "no thanks" and move the fuck on. Jesus christ. This idea fucking sucks.
Where's Janine Garafalo (re: "Heather Mooney" from Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion) when we need her??

Geez do people in Seattle not have iPods? Put in your ear buds, pop on your shades, and just keep walking.
@The Wretched Harmony: You're playing with a straw man here. No one said the alternative was to give the money to bums who may use it for drugs. The alternative the author proposed was to give the money directly to organizations you support, instead of to the chuggers.

Activism, Inc: How the Outsourcing of G… Stanford University Press, 2006.

@45 HAHA Shay is one of my best friends. It may help (or not) you to know that Shay is the top sponsorship salesman in that company in the nation. He sold me.
I like the pdf, it makes the point, in a nice way. The panhandlers in bright pink (cough) Planned Parenthood. They work two on the street, block the the sidewalk, and jump in front of you so you can't pass by. These aggressive tactics really beyond annoying. That little card is totally appropriate!
I think the misconception here is that rejecting a canvasser = rejecting charitable donations. Not so.

When I ignore a canvasser or tell them "no thanks," I'm rejecting invasive, objectionable, high-pressure sales tactics. I'm rejecting making snap decisions about handing over personal information and/or money to a random stranger on the street. If I choose to give to a charity or support a cause I can do that all on my own, without being heckled by a canvasser.

Also, a lot of these people's tactics do border on street harassment. Putting your hands on someone? Blocking their path? Following them down the street? Fundraising for charity does not make any of those things okay.
this is called a white person problem.."i can't believe people are trying to do something that is inherently good, can't they see I'm watching netflix on my ipod!" Grow up, man. Do you realize how silly you sound? Here's what you sound like, you sound like an infant. Who cares, just say you don't want to talk, they're trying and succeeding at getting FOOD into EMPTY STOMACHS.
Some of the charities, like Children inernational, over 80% of funding goes to programs. So when people comment on here and say that 10% goes to the charity, its dishonest and harmful and potentially going to deprive someone from food or water, it's that simple. this is called a white person problem.."i can't believe people are trying to do something that is inherently good, can't they see I'm watching netflix on my ipod!" Grow up, man. Do you realize how silly you sound? Here's what you sound like, you sound like an infant. Who cares, just say you don't want to talk, they're trying and succeeding at getting FOOD into EMPTY STOMACHS.
Canvassing is the most cost effective way to raise money! Why does everyone automatically believe #3's post is an accurate depiction of fund allocation, do your own research you trolls! A large reason charities exist is because of grass roots movements!

Children's International is the worst. Who out there who works in Westlake has not been bothered by Shay? I already work for a non-profit and donate regularly to help children. I explained this to Shay and asked him for more information on his charity. He refused to provide any and continued to bother me, after I'd said no many times. Why would I donate money to something I know nothing about? I now change my route or go somewhere else for lunch when I see him on the street, because he continues to bother me.

It only takes a few bad apples to ruin the bunch - Children International canvassers are aggressive, rude, and pushy. I will NEVER give them money. There are better ways to help children in need.
pssst...heads up. If you're working as a canvasser, you're hired by an agency or company that has a contract with the charity. These staffing companies are FOR PROFIT. Guess what, guys? You're working for The Man too! And you're doing these "good works" for money, not out of the goodness of your heart!

Real grassroots organizing is about volunteers getting together and taking action--not people who are paid to carry out street harassment.

I could cite the numerous studies from think tanks like Guidestar and the Center on Philanthropy that have pointed out that direct solicitations (telemarketing and canvassing) are NOT the most effective, but ARE the methods likely to deter and irritate potential donors.

I could also point out that money used to pay canvassers is money that is taken from the cause itself. Successful charities generally have large numbers of volunteers to assist in fundraising efforts; canvassers are an extra expense.

It doesn't matter, though. The ends do not justify the means. Canvassers in person tend to have the same entitled attitudes they show here: that they are the center of the world, that people are just waiting to hear their wisdom, and that anyone who refuses them is a Bad Person (tm). It gets old very quickly.
Watch this video: It's shit canvassers say after work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1MUkFRKz…
Watch this video and understand: It's shit canvassers say after work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1MUkFRKz…
Guess what, 100 percent of the money that people on the street or door give goes right to the organization the canvasser is raising money for. The organization, let's say Oxfam or Planned Parenthood, then take money out of their fund-raising budget and pay the canvassing office. If you've never canvassed then you have no idea how difficult it is to get people to give substantially to these charities, and they're not all going to give online or out of their own freewill, a lot of the donors have to be convinced by a person who happens to be working as hard as they can to get someone involved. These NGOs aren't idiots, they understand the importance of getting people involved in giving who aren't. That's why you see canvassers out there. Money is power, and while a lot of Americans spend useless amounts of money on frivolous consumerist things, the statistic is that Americans give more to charity on average than any other country in the world, so dig deep and give to a canvasser already if you haven't. And be happy you don't have to convince every random stranger to give a shit about something else than consumerist wish fulfillment.
It seems obvious enough to label everyone's complaints against canvassers under the large banner of: first world problems
For those of you defending street canvassers, it's really pretty simple.

I hate them. Maybe they're perfectly nice people, but I can't stand that they're random strangers who try to talk to me on the street. So I give them nothing, and say nothing to them. Why? Because if we stop giving them money, they will go away. All you suckers who give them money are only making it possible for them to still exist.
Well, Former Canvasser, that's not true at all: according to some studies, DialogueDirect, Grassroots and other street canvassing organizations have some of the lowest percentages of cents on the dollar that actually make it to the charity. That's not speculation, it's fact. http://www.sos.wa.gov/_assets/charities/… The money that people hand over isn't going to where they think it will; the money the charities use to finance canvassers is, again, taken away from other things that could be more important. I'm not donating to Planned Parenthood to give them the opportunity to carry out street harassment.

It's difficult to get donations as a street canvasser because people don't like being harassed on the street and handing over financial details to random strangers with clipboards. It's that simple. I care about the world and the problems therein. I just don't care about you, street canvassers.

Assuming that someone doesn't care about charity if they refuse to talk to you is disingenuous at best. Assuming that people are so stupid that they won't know about charities unless someone actually stops them on the street is again short sighted.

I personally will no longer give to any organization that uses street canvassers, so approaching me is the very best way to ensure I will never support your particular organization. That's one of the reasons I support Sea Shepherds over Greenpeace; Feed the Children over Save the Children, etc. The bottom line is that there are other charities out there who do not feel the need to use this for of marketing.
I aleays tell the greenpeace chuggers to fuck right off. Theyre out there standing on a sidewalk which is the product of mining at the same time they denounce any form of resource extraction. Theyre the definition of hypocrite.
Canvassing is one of the hardest jobs out there. Most canvassers are good people behind good causes. There are some that use agressive and condescending tactics, but most just want to sign you up for a decent and legitimate charity. A simple smile and a "no, thank you" will do. They're people doing their jobs, even if it means standing on the sidewalk and (usually) politely greeting you. They work brutally hard for their cause and should be commended for that fact alone.
Wretched Harmony, I don't want to start a flame war, but you have your numbers switched. Generally speaking, at LEAST 80% of the donation goes to the charity, not the canvassing organization.
OK, for what this is worth this is coming from a person who has worked both door to door and street canvassing for almost 2 years and in fact held lead positions at three org's here in Seattle. So do know that I truly did believe these org's were good worthy and caused driven org's that there was some good to what they were trying to doing with the contributions and their effort for change but sadly I was a fool to have wasted my time as especially because I have worked for some of the largest and supposed best in the state and world and in the end they really aren't what they say they represent nor do they take care of the employees most of the time. In the end I know there is NO chance in hell I'll ever work for any of these organizations again. SO with that I truly and sincerely apologies for bothering anyone or taking your money for what was miss-represented to me and in turn what I represented to you as a worthy cause. If they are on your charitable list please donate online or send a check! BUT DO know that canvassers’ are very hard working and wonderful people who I have tremendous respect for but that it’s the organization who I take issue here. Please be respectful and yes strong eye contact and a polite yet strong no is all you have to say to any of the good one’s to avoid them. So please fellow canvassers your working to cover your pay and if you quota out your gone! Investigate the organization ask smart questions about growth opportunities and Good Luck you'll make a great salesperson or activist someday!
Greenpeace spends $5 million on employment wages. The Greenpeace street canvass raised $42 million last year to save the oceans and rainforests you use everyday to breathe oxygen. The numbers speak for themselves.

Street canvassing is not a new idea. Any newspaperboy worth his salt would do everything he could to sell his stack of papers. It was respected work, child labor yes, but respected work.

Next time you see a young, in-debt, post-college individual that can't get another job opportunity take a minute to put yourself in their shoes and maybe you'll also be compassionate enough to take a minute to hear them out.
Just decided to become a canvasser because It sounded like a challenge and I have never done anything like that. It a 3 days I figured out you cant do this job good if you dont believe in a cause. I actually completely understand its disturbing but at the end of the day children are saved and people leaving with a big smile on their faces feeling like a heroes. So seems like it worths it. I can probably handle a couple of cards or *fuck of* for that. Thank you Seattle )
The liberal fundraising racket was a sleazy way to make a living. It went against everything in my nature, but it was all I could find.

Companies like Grassroots Campaigns Incorporated, DialogueDirect (part of The Dialog Group Ltd.) and Fund for the Public Interest Incorporated, (formerly known as the Fund for Public Interest Research Incorporated) provide the service of converting liberal issues which average citizens might care about into a dollar amount. Such issues might include the environment, women's rights, third world poverty, animal rights, LGBT rights, eliminating organizations branded as “hate groups” with lawsuits, and campaigns for Democratic presidential candidates such as John Kerry and Barack Obama. They do this by sending people out on the street with a clipboard to talk pedestrians into giving them contributions.

Not only did I work for all of the companies I just mentioned, I eventually ended up in charge of training people how do the dirty work of convincing good-hearted people to part with their credit card information. I know exactly how it works, because I was counted among the top five best fundraisers nationwide by Grassroots Campaigns Incorporated in 2010. I bought a new couch and a $1200 television that summer because I made GCI enough money that they could afford to match what I had raised above my $140 daily quota up to 30%. It was more money than I had ever had at one time in my entire life, and it was just the crumbs they were throwing my way so I wouldn't think too hard about what they were making for themselves.

Not only do I know firsthand how lucrative working with non-profits, public interest research groups, and politicians can be, I also know how exploitative it is-- and not just of the people being convinced to give, but of the workers they get to go out and do it. These corporations put up tear-off flyers up all over town with “JOBS” written a bold letters, advertising promising paychecks in excess of $1000 to those who can cut it raising dough for the same political leaders who destroyed the job market to the point that people are willing to stand outside bothering strangers in the heat, cold, rain, and snow to scrape by.

They also bombard job message boards for people in creative professions with offers of instant hires, attracting struggling artists, starving students, out of work actors, semi-homeless college dropouts, and recent college grads who have loans to pay and no way to fulfill their financial responsibilities. Most of the people employed to do this fundraising work weren't as good at it as me, or as persistent. New hires were usually too exhausted and used up to continue after the first week or so. Even if they stuck with it, the company would have to let them go if their numbers weren't good enough.

I was part of a class action law suit against the Fund for Public Interest Research for exploiting its workers for unpaid overtime. The Fund unlawfully characterized its employees as “exempt” in order to deprive them of overtime pay. They settled out of court without an official admission of guilt, and I got a check long after the hardship caused by lack of those few, much needed dollars had already come and gone.

This is the true face of liberal political organizing. After these and many other first hand experiences with leftism, I have to say that I have been moving further and further right. Occasionally this puts me in some pretty eccentric company, but I'll take them over my old bosses.
As someone who's worked as a street canvasser, the majority of you guys are wrong. I worked for an organization that was very strict on making sure there was no harassment. We didn't change our vests for the "charity of the day", we changed our vests depending on what organization was hiring us. Normally only one at a time. We also don't get 90% of the money we raised, we were paid first, the money later went to the organization. One hundred percent of it. Because of us, Planned Parenthood ran the most successful voter outreach of any organization. When you donate to a street fundraiser, you allow us to continue the public outreach that wouldn't have existed before. Not as money people know who the ACLU is as you think. And when you tell us no, we understand that you have a life, we don't know it, we're not bothered by it. Maybe you should be less bothered too. We already work directly for companies that exploit us, with terrible working conditions. Don't make us hate the general public in addition. Just smile and say no thanks.
Firstly some distinctions need to be made. I have been involved in Face to face canvassing on and off for the past 10 years. Why? Because I love the cause. Now I DO NOT work for a profit making marketing company fundraising on behalf of the charity. I have only ever worked in hous, which means working directly for the organisation, so the figure of 90% not going to the charity is so far off the mark that it's ludicrous. In fact the great majority goes to the charity because I work for the charity. Do any do you guys realise this distinction? No. Secondly outside of work time I spend countless hours volunteering towards the cause. Finally, at the end of the day, if you're not interested just say no thanks. Be polite, is it that hard? If any of you seriously spent any time doing this job you would not be able to handle the levels of abuse, anger and rudeness directed at us all day Long! And yet you find it so hard to deal with a brief interaction with a stranger. Now I'm fully aware that some canvassers go way too far, but I have always stressed to the people that I am coaching and training to treat everyone with respect and to never be pushy. When it comes down to it, we are offering people a chance to be a part of something important. A viice against injustice, greed, intolerance and down right criminality. So maybe instead of taking your anger and frustration out on individuals( that's right we're not all the same) who may have a high level of passion to help make a difference in this world, maybe you could start putting some of your energy into tackling the reasons we're out there in the first place. I and others like me would love nothing more than to never need to do this work again. Hopefully some of you can see things from this point of view
You really need to check your privilege.

Nonproft organizations hire individuals so that they can give a voice to people who desperately need help, and surprise, there's a lot of people who need help.

It is simply contracting man power because individuals who claim to care like yourself do not seem to have the time to go out and do the asking.

They'll stop when the problems stop. Sorry its annoying for you, but just because privileged assholes like yourself find it annoying to say "no" or "sorry" doesn't mean we should hault the most fruitful form of funding for nonprofits we have.

We can't live in a bubble of our own privledge as cozy and nice as it sounds, and thats a first world problem you're gonna have to learn to deal with.

    Please wait...

    and remember to be decent to everyone
    all of the time.

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