
Are you selling seats to watch you do this live? For charity? For The Children? I would pay.
Seriously, if it bugs you, just ignore it, like pretty much everyone else...
David, I just want to know - will you be complaining about The King's Speech at every available opportunity, or will you pass up the opportunity sometimes? I need to know how to prepare for that, because I really hate complaints over nothing...
Worst best picture winner ever: Gladiator.
No, worst best picture winner was Paul Haggis' white-guilt tour de force "Crash."
@4, Gladiator wasn't the worst winner. Not the best, certainly, but not the worst. Shakespeare in Love was truly horrible. A silly rom-com tarted up in Elizabethan costume.
Dances. With. Wolves.

(Elevated to all-time worst Best Picture winner for beating GoodFellas.)
Worst was Crash, elevated for beating Brokeback Mountain. Crash was a truly vile and awful movie. I'll never understand how it could have won. At least Gladiator and Dances with Wolves had some mass appeal. Shakespeare in Love is an oddity, as in I don't really understand why it won, but it doesn't make me seethe with fury.
Wolves over Goodfellas - absolutely the worst. Brokeback was good, but not Goodfellas good. Its loss to Crash wasn't such a tragedy.

Of course, here we are and Goodfellas and Brokeback will live forever anyway. And while nobody watches Dances With Wolves, Crash has been #1 on the Netflix Top 100 for ages.
I think of all the past best pictures that you hardly ever see anywhere anymore: Gandi, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Deer Hunter, Platoon, and even The Last Emperor.

There were so many interesting smaller films this year that received no recognition at all: I Love You Phillip Morris and Nowhere Boy to name two.

Here's the thing: The Oscars are by the industry for the industry, so there won't be a lot of fairness seen. For that, you have to depend more on the critics awards. Imagine an Employee of the Year award at The Stranger voted on by employees of The Stranger. Sometimes it's going to go to someone who has achieved something remarkable, but usually it's going to go to a sentimental favorite, whoever gives the best blow job, or distributes the tastiest candy, right? Same thing with the Oscars.
Bauhaus reminded me: It is a crime that Kristin Scott Thomas isn't nominated for Best Supporting Actress for "Nowhere Boy."
KST has been great in a number of French movies the past five(or so) years, it's a crime that she hasn't been nominated or won. They must think she died after the English Patient.

(and one of these years Julianne Moore too)
It's a crime that Ann Morgan Guilbert wasn't nominated for best spporting for Please Give. She was sublime...
Michael, was she the daughter? She must've been, and you're right, she was great.
Forrest fucking Gump. I hate that movie so much. But there have been any number of shit movies that won Best Picture, generally because there were two really great ones in the running that split the vote. Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan? Crash over Brokeback Mountain AND Good Night and Good Luck? Dances With Wolves over Awakenings and Goodfellas? Titanic over L.A. Confidential?! Ordinary People over Reds. Fucking Oliver! over The Lion in Winter?!!!

Some movies win because all the nominees that year are mediocre shit. That's just the luck of the draw, I guess.
Dave - she was the grandmother. I think she gave the performance of the year.

Dances With Wolves vs. Goodfellas 20 years later.
This time it's personal.

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