
Using opaque packaging that doesn’t appeal to children on edible products.

Ah yes, the old "think of the children" canard. I suppose they're outlawing Boone's Farm bottles and other liquor products like this.

Oh, wait; home alcohol delivery is legal in Washington. How is pot different?
Someone needs to give David Mendoza something better to do with his time.
The marijuana gray market is the best argument for libertarianism that I've ever heard.
What a fucking waste of time.

I'm usually not one to think of the children, but the packaging is a real issue. If it looks like candy, kids will eat it if they see it. I think dishwasher tabs need to be changed for the same reason.
So, King County won't prosecute a police officer who assaulted someone in their custody ... on camera at that ... but they will prosecute marijuana delivery businesses.

how fucked up is that?
@3: Getting rid of all regulations because of a dumb one?

That's not at all a good reason for libertarianism.
I thought all pot related issues were supposed to be the lowest priority for SPD? Like... THAT'S THE LAW!.

Is there a law on the books that explicitly bans pot delivery?
Thank God they're dealing with this obvious menace.
@ 1 "Oh, wait; home alcohol delivery is legal in Washington. How is pot different?"

@ 8 "I thought all pot related issues were supposed to be the lowest priority for SPD?"

This isn't about pot. This is about tax revenue.
How is this not a violation of law?

SMC 12A.20.060 Enforcement Priority -- Marijuana.

A. The Seattle Police Department and City Attorney's Office shall make the investigation, arrest and prosecution of marijuana offenses, where the marijuana was intended for adult personal use, the City's lowest law enforcement priority.

People still buy pot?

Just plant three seeds every six weeks, leave alone, harvest after four months.

Give any excess to your friends at the Senior Center.
back before Winterlife read the writing on the wall and ended deliveries, they came over with their "magic box", sat down in my living room, and helped mrs. solomon and me select products. it was the most enjoyable, civilized weed transaction of my life. the price was half what Ganja Goddess charges.

so, obviously, it must be stopped.
I personally don't think that pot delivery should be illegal, but if it's going to happen it needs to have some safeguards in place. Basic stuff like ID checks.
The dispensaries? Yeah, there seems to be an awful lot of them and most of them are awful looking. Maybe a minimum standard of good taste needs to be enforced? Or better yet, we can bring them into compliance with the legal marijuana stores so that we don't have a two tiered system.
Hell, maybe legal pot delivery is actually the answer to both of these problems. There'd be fewer storefronts to "blight neighborhoods" and people who are legitimately sick can get their needs met and not have to make the trip. The rest of us can get weed if we want it, and the NIMBYs would be appeased. Win-win.
Lowest law enforcement priority should fall somewhere below bicycle helmet laws and jaywalking. I'd love to see some numbers on these.
Devils Advocate here. I am a medical cannabis consumer and grower. I don't think cannabis should be criminalized and I can't believe how far we've come in my life time to liberate ourselves from misguided drug laws. That being said there are many folks in the cannabis industry who are doing things the right way, being above board, paying taxes, etc. And many more who exist in the grey area. Many "medical" shops are fronts for recreational dealers. I think since our wonderful state has allowed a recreational market to take place we should applaud those who do it properly and not reward those existing under the radar. The law isn't perfect but we can work to make it better.

No businesses are allowed to exist w/o licenses, w/o paying taxes, having some amount of safety over site. So why should cannabis be any different?
@1 I'm pretty sure those liquor candies are illegal in Washington (and most other states as well).

And the difference between these pot delivery services and alcohol delivery is that alcohol delivery companies have to pay liquor excise taxes (or at least their customers do).
Marijuana delivery seems like the ideal to me. "Oh no, we don't want pot shop storefronts near our churches or schools or whatever." Okay, so let people open delivery-only businesses; no storefront needed. The pot buyers are happier because they get their pot without driving across town, the pearl-clutchers are happier because they can pretend pot doesn't exist. I really don't see the downside.
Regarding the claim that medical marijuana delivery is illegal, since when was driving, biking, or walking medical marijuana to a pot patient disallowed under RCW 69.51A?
It seems we need a new intiative to fix some loopholes. Why not allow delivery? I would also like to see an end to local option, which allows communities to ban sales altogether. Texas has local option alcohol sales and there are patchworks of dry, semi-dry, wet, no liquor by the drink, whole bottle only rules that apply to towns and counties. In some areas you can buy booze on one side of the street but not the other. Bootlegging is rampant in a state where alcohol is legal thus lowering tax revenues.
The government needs to get the legitimate stores up and running before it can start thinking about cracking down on the grey market. People are using delivery services because the recreational dispensaries have piss poor supply.


If they're illegal, a shitload of businesses have some explaining to do, including chains like Cost Plus and actual liquor stores. I buy those things every Christmas.
This is dumb
Everything's dumb
Goddamit all.
Well, if this happens, there goes pretty much the entire industry. People don't buy at the legal rec shops because they're stupid expensive! No one will pay $20 a gram for anything but the novelty. So if their goal is to reinvigorate the black market... good job!
@8, @11, @15

Initiative 75, which became SMC 12A.20.060, assigned lowest priority to enforcing marijuana POSSESSION.

If your guy is walking up to your door carrying marijuana that he intends to exchange with you for money, then that marijuana is not for his "personal use."

Initiative 75 did not apply minimum priority to pot dealing, and the City can legally put a high priority on shutting down illegal pot dealers (e.g. dealers without a WSLCB recreational license selling or delivering to people who do not legally qualify as medical patients).

Washington's legalization framework was not designed or built to compete with the black market. It was designed to preserve the status quo-- whiter, wealthier people can indulge themselves without guilt or fear, while poorer, browner people continue to bear risk and stigma for the same behavior.

The price gap between street weed and the stuff in the shops isn't an accident.
So, this is an invasion of privacy for people who do not want to be seen buying marijuana, and it discriminates against people who may not have access to transportation to ridiculously placed dispensaries. It is like they just want to feed the underground market by over regulating the above ground one. The implementation of 520 is a farce, and a mockery of the concept of decriminalization and freedom.
This is an invasion of privacy for people who do not want to be seen buying marijuana, and it discriminates against people who may not have access to transportation to ridiculously placed dispensaries. It is like they just want to feed the underground market by over regulating the above ground one. The implementation of 520 is a farce, and a mockery of the concept of decriminalization and freedom.
C'mon Murray, get off this. You won't increase taxes that much because you won't get many open stores, because the rules are too strict. Once we actually make it feasible for pot stores to be open, then you can start cracking down.
Too bad - I've loved using the delivery services. So professional. Time for another local ordinance?
@12: You have obviously never grown pot.
I suppose they will also crack down on booze that could appeal to children - fruity flavors, bright colored bottles in weird tantalizing shapes, light beer that basically tastes like water, wine coolers, anything girls drink at sorority parties, etc.
F@#@$# these people. The people want pot to be legal and where under the guise that their vote was accomplishing that. WTF its pot a damn plant put here by god or the creator. The only reason it was illegal or "wrong" is because these lying bastards tricked the people ,who trusted them, into believing it was wrong a long time ago. Oh now its "OK" to have pot as long as they can take a piece of the profit and funnel into some BS front campaigns and foundations. I say we have another vote and just make it not illegal instead of it still being illegal unless they grant you permission through their license. A license is a permit to do something that otherwise is illegal! We have rights people! remember that. If you don't want to exercise yours fine however please avoid preventing others from exercising theirs. One more think constituents in the cannabis plant does CURE CANCER. What's going to happen when people start seeing and believing that. I know everybody is busy with life but hey lets get involve a little. Start prying these eyes open. Turn the F#$@#$ ing TV OFF. endocannabinoids look it up.
TAX TAX TAX everybody enjoying their OBama Unaffordable health tax? There are good doctors and needed ones 100% Ever wonder why doctors receive less than 2 hours of training in nutrition? So they can sell drugs to you. I yield my time.

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