


Okay, racist.


@ 1/3

The violence was caused by the police attacking, beating, and gassing peaceful protestors, followed by Tr666p’s secret DHS goons kidnapping people off the streets, Jesus.


P.S. Save us from your lunatic fascist followers!!!


And the city needs to sue for contamination of the water supply. They have found the water contains chemicals from the teargas. The city does not seem to give a shit about the protesters, but they seem to care a lot about the water.


@4 So the violence has stopped?



Nope. Cops still shooting POC for no fucking reason.


@9 in Portland?


Portland is the victim of a Presidential strategy to incite street violence in order to create campaign talking points. Trump and the administration have more or less admitted this. @1 is parroting one of the primary talking points in the Republican convention. Trump will literally tear this nation apart in order to gain a few points in the polls. Remember, under Obama there were plenty of police shootings - under Trump the shootings lead to violent clashes.



Every fucking where - it's all over the news, like, all fucking day long just about every fucking day...

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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