
this is a joke, right? Right?
Where's the link to the press release? I suspect the paragraph numbering corresponds to that.
love you for being so open minded, even though it sounds like a crazy woo woo fest, you appreciated those woman for who they were and it sounds like the did the same back...gotta love that!
The Cardinal Cross thing did happen--it's a very rare astrological event.
I also have no press release link.

I broke the press release, but then I fixed it. Blam!
briefly: ILLW!
I make dinner for my family when I come home from work. And do laundry and bathe my son and sweep/mop/etc. Not that there's anything especially insulting about you taking your comment at the end about your Dad a little global. Women do a lot. So do men. I'm just sick of the incompetent/could-giva-shit/lazy-at-home Dad meme. It's super fucking tired. Like stale gender dichotomy tired. Like TV commercial men who say "golly what'll I make for the kids becuz I don't even know how to turn on a stove, durrrrrhhh" tired. I respect women who have pride in their womanhood. I don't respect women when they tear down men to do it - passive aggressively or not.

Glad you enjoyed menses tent, though. You should feel empowered from time to time, even if it requires you to suspend judgment and disbelief (which you did well). And no, that's not a throw-away comment because I bashed you in the previous paragraph. I like what you wrote, just not the bit setting up a tired dichotomy between Women and Men.
@9: I didn't in any way suggest that my dad is "incompetent/could-giva-shit/lazy-at-home" (he's not), and I didn't "tear down men." Don't project your baggage on to me, please. But glad to hear you support my feeling empowered "from time to time."
I felt embarrassed to be a woman while reading about the menses tent. My vagina cringed.
Thank you for the article. It made me laugh AND it makes me want to attend a Red Tent. I've heard about it before and you just reminded me :)
Love and Blessings,
Nice article! I can do your DNA activation for you. I work with the same tradition as the practitioner who did the Adam Kadmon Activation (what was called the 24 strand activation in your article). I sent you an email with my info.

: )
They mis-spelled "yin and yang." As a rule, I try avoid gurus who can't be bothered with spell-check.
DNA activation? I think all that does is thin out your wallet. Funny how something that wasn't even understood 65 years ago is now an object of woo. Where does it say that embracing one's femininity means turning off one's rational mind?
I'm more moved by the contrast between how you felt walking into that tent and how you felt walking out of it, Lindy, than by the idea of the menses tent in general. I tend to gravitate toward frizzy-haired, jazz cat shirt-wearing, secret heiress mermaid hunters, and somehow they become good friends of mine. And though their celestial sayings may make me cringe, by god, they know how to make you feel close without making you feel uncomfortable. They know what girlfriendship is all about, even if they make a cliche out of it. I'm so glad you went to this and shared.

PS - this totally makes up for the mean-spirited, booby-shrinking Hooters-bashing article you wrote last year. You are forgiven. Go forth and sin no more.
Celestial Seasonings came up with that name for their tea company based on the goddess poontang.
Grand Cardinal Cross…
This is the kind of shit for people who don't live in reality, and/or have too much time and/or money on their hands... bleh.


"My dad worked all day. My mom worked all day, then came home and made dinner."

Yep, no implication there. Sorry I brought it up.
This was a great article. I appreciate the respect shown and the honesty. Just because you can't believe whole heartedly in what a circle of women under a tent follow, does not mean you need to belittle those beliefs into a meaningless heap. Acceptance is a powerful tool for peace keeping and a wonderful way to learn. Way to go Lindy.ย 
My link to the press release worked, but the font is so fuzzy and small that I couldn't read it. Could someone look into that, maybe? Or am I just a lot more far-sighted than I thought?
interesting article, even if some call it pointless / meaningless. you investigated something new, unique, and different. i lived with vegetarian & vegan roommates in college, and that was a different long-term exposure. even if just being a preferential food fetish. more than anything, like being a veggie or vegan, this menses group is about community, the sharing of a common thread, etc. the dna activation isn't a science, and i call shenanigans on it. think of it as a placebo effect for the mind and soul. it along with all the other chanting & witchcraft is a catalyst towards them believing they feel better. religion can be said to do the same thing, and if that's what it takes for anyone to generate positive vibes, then so be it. as long as they aren't rude and aggressive, don't pass it off as fact, or attempt to push it on you. there are important and pressing issues in the world, thus being reflected in some of the comments posted. but sometimes people need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and lighten up. the world, the people, and all their problems will still be there tomorrow, after a day of nonsense, relaxation, and vagina / period worship.
I wonder did anyone bring their daughters or was it all grown women?
Nice article, Lindy, but I'm really interested in what your womb has to say about the experience.
Lindy, I would think this gathering is every bit as deserving of your mockery and scorn as Hooters or "Cook to Bang". Does your wit apply only to cheesy men and not cheesy women?
Love you, Lindy! Keep up the good work. I admire your gift for writing.

I am 66 and we didn't have any red tents but I can imagine them due to your spot on article.

Will there be more of this? Are there any future Red Tent gatherings planned, preferably further north?
@21, if it's something that actually happened (i.e. Mom made dinner; Dad didn't) is it still a "tired dichotomy"? You sound like those white people who think that since slavery was abolished, we're all equal now.
You rock, Lindy. (And I agree with @mickeymammoth #30)
Lindy West I love you and would gladly bleed with you in a red tent and eat magical goddess chocolate.
@30 - Let's just look at the full context:

"And even though I would never phrase it like this, I agree that women don't always get a chance to "fill our own vessels." My dad worked all day. My mom worked all day, then came home and made dinner. Women do a lot. Women are neat."

So you're saying that you read that, and all you see is the author relaying a dry, factual story, that has no broader implication? The dry, factual phrases "My Dad worked all day. My worked all day, then came home and made dinner." is just this isolated piece of text, not intended to highlight any kind of distinction, and with no bearing on the very next sentence "Women do a lot?" Please.

And no, I don't for a second believe that gender equality magically appeared sometime in 198x. There are still huge gaps, and those gaps must be closed. But those gaps are uneven. Women in some communities in this country might as well still be living in 1947 (some in 1447), while others enjoy equality, support, mutuality, and respect from their male counterparts, particularly their partners. To the point where generalizing across the whole spectrum of maleness is the lazy way out.
We get it, nullbull. You're not one of "those guys." Good for you.

But there isn't a woman alive right now who hasn't had some sort of relationship with a man who "doesn't see dirt," who doesn't understand that the food doesn't just magically materialize in the fridge, who leaves a trail of detritus behind him wherever he goes in your house. He might be her father, her partner, her roommate's boyfriend, or her brother. We have all - every last one of us - cleaned up after them. And almost all of them think they're somehow more evolved than "those guys," and deeply offended by the implication that they make women responsible for the clean-up by their own willful incompetence.

Yeah, nullbull, you're different, and good on you. But don't interject yourself into our daily experience and our daily frustration. No vagina? Then you don't get it. Period.
@27: Uh. Do you not remember Lindy's now-internet-famous SATC2 review? Or her review of Twilight?
"And almost all of them think they're somehow more evolved than 'those guys,' and deeply offended by the implication that they make women responsible for the clean-up by their own willful incompetence."

Wow, you just plain hate men don't you? And you're also full of shit. Studies show that men do more than their fair share of work when paid and unpaid labor is added up. But apparently your own sense of female entitlement lets you believe that men still aren't doing enough.

And, for your information, there isn't a man alive who hasn't had some sort of relationship with a woman whose narcissism led her to believe that she deserved to be coddled, pampered, and obeyed and that men are responsible for her security and well being while she provides nothing in return besides constant bitching and whining.

You last sentence would be better written as, "Vagina? Then you don't get it. Period."
FTW @ 36!
Nullbull sure read a lot into "My dad worked all day. My mom worked all day, then came home and made dinner." Who knew Lindy's talent with the pen could summarize the ageless battle between the sexes is so few words? Geez- lighten up!
Great article, Lindy!
Nice article Lindy.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing out on, when I stay away from spiritual goings on that make me cringe.

One thing that does help, is to have an open minded, but for the most part cynical person hold my hand and take me somewhere I don't normally go.

Nice work!
1.) Hershey's is not chocolate. Period. It is a barely edible substance that badly masquerades as chocolate. It is wax and sugar with a tinge of brown food coloring and artificial flavors. It is among the worst "chocolate" on earth. Red Tent lost all credibility for me at this point (if they had any to begin with).

2.) The Red Tent Temple sounds as ridiculous as any other religious beliefs. But at least it seems pretty harmless. If it makes them feel better about themselves, more power to them.
@15: I'm with you.

If there is an afterlife, I think a Red Tent Temple is where I'm going to be forced to spend eternity (probably with my mouth sewn shut), as punishment for the wrongs I've committed.
Speaking as a hard-working, spiritually advanced, equality friendly, evolved male, NULLBULL, SHUT THE F*CK UP!!! Geez, you just keep making it worse. Lindy's comment was NOT ABOUT YOU. It was NOT ABOUT MEN. The whole article was about women. Kee-rist, man! Let it go for all of our sakes.
I so totally get this. I am a hard atheist and a soft-ball stage skeptic (you can't be completely hard if you're a SubGenius), but I get it. I read this article in a crunchy-granola/anarchistic blog about menses huts and the like and...and I think it sort of changed my life.…

Thing is, I think, for decorum's sake, and the sake of not looking like some weak woman who can't do stuff, a lot of us unconsciously try and hold it in, and it may very well cause a great deal of pain. It's so damned hush-hush, it may cause stress which in turn causes pain. The frank way she writes about this made total intuitive sense to me--I really don't cotton to homeopathy (total nothing in pill form), but the concepts are good. And I'm fucking repressed.

"Speaking as a hard-working, spiritually advanced, equality friendly, evolved male, NULLBULL, SHUT THE F*CK UP!!! Geez, you just keep making it worse. Lindy's comment was NOT ABOUT YOU. It was NOT ABOUT MEN. The whole article was about women. Kee-rist, man! Let it go for all of our sakes."

Nullbull only made things worse for spineless dorks like you who think that the reason they can't get laid is because other men do things that make feminists angry. You are not evolved or spiritually advanced. You're a lapdog.

The sentence that nullbull quoted was about men; it was about how men work less than women. Lindy is just to much of a pussy to own up to her words.
"And, for your information, there isn't a man alive who hasn't had some sort of relationship with a woman whose narcissism led her to believe that she deserved to be coddled, pampered, and obeyed and that men are responsible for her security and well being while she provides nothing in return besides constant bitching and whining."

Not so. I can't say I have ever had that relationship.
I was kind of amazed that it took until comment #39 for someone to slam the fake chocolate. Hershey's? Really? Hello, Scharffen Berger or Endangered Species or practically anybody, for god's sake.

I do appreciate the sentiment expressed about chocolate, but it's kind of like hearing someone wax rhapsodic about the amazingness of beer and say all kinds of stuff you totally agree with, and then you notice that they're drinking a Bud Light.
Nice work, Lindy!

Trolls: please go find another internet, one where being a dick makes you money or something. I'm genuinely starting to worry about what you consider a reasonable use of your time. I just want to help here.


Your baby is ugly
@45: In fairness, Bud Light (on tap, please) has its place, mostly in the summer when it's hot as balls and you're not hungry yet. Manny's and ESB are too heavy for that weather, Pyramid and Widmer Bros. are too cloudy, Big Daddy IPA is right out, and nobody has Kรถlsch.

Lindy, good work as usual. You and your womb are great.
nullbull...are you on the rag or something?
@47 haha is this what getting served is like
Thanks you for going and reporting back!
And that is why I get along so much better with men.
I love the concept of a venue/festival for women to be their natural selves. Those who deplore or ridicule such an idea likely do not understand that women, equal and yet different in their characteristics, are ABSOLUTELY requisite in the existence of humankind, and MUST be exalted, and, if necessary, protected, celebrated.
I have a violent allergy to all things woo-woo (plus I don't like chocolate), so Lindy, thanks for taking one for the team and reporting back.
@35: You are correct, and I appreciate the reminder.

I guess Lindy just found her peeps. Ewww.
You know, your time of birth is on your birth certificate. Not that hard to get one of those.
I'm glad the Stranger paid yer ransom and rescued you for the hippie womyn, Lindy. This was funny but not as funny as the Hooters story. :)
This was funny without being mean-spirited. Kudos!
This was funny without being mean-spirited. Kudos!
Simon stealthy spammer to the enlightened Red Tent article :)
nullbull's Phunny, like in a rat-her patronizing way (so not really at all) particularly amusing iz his subconscious omission ov "Mom" yet inclusion ov "dad" in his reference to Lindy'z aMusingly Witty article :)
maybe he needz to see the-rapists? and unlearn mans-laughter, then maybe lose the male-diction and try to rise abOve themasses :)
@ 67/68.
Huh? What's your point?

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