
Dr. Grossman may need to update her "…Zero Percent PC" tagline.
I dislike the Bechdel test on the grounds that Sex and the City passes with flying colors.
No. Haven't got there, yet. Been reading lots of different reviews. I'm going, though.
Those two in it, are hot. And he, is especially hot. I'm waiting till the hystericals have finished going.
The Bechdel test was intentionally created as a ridiculously low bar to drive home its point. Passing the Bechdel test is not an achievement.
who has time for frivolities like movies? get back to work, America!
I won't watch this movie, too many girl parts. I know, stereotypical of me, but at this point in my life if I don't want to see lady parts i don't have to.
No, because apparently I would be "contributing to the patriarchy" if I did, or according to the fatuous media it's "a classic preparation for domestic violence".

In any case, it's soft porn for women. Feminists hate it - what's new? I don't give a shit. It was interesting watching the Graham Norton show when they were interviewing the unkempt star, whose name I can't be arsed looking up, and Graham asked the women in the audience who had read the book. Most put their hands up. When he asked the men, a small handful put their hands up.

One of my neighbours read the book and in a couple of months dumped her husband and now lives in a D&S relationship. He was devastated. No doubt he is to blame somehow...
Nope - had a lovely VD weekend in NYC seeing a lot of musical theater with my DW...Cabaret (meh, despite Alan Cumming), Chicago (Nettles can actually sing and dance, but yum, the company included some unbelievably sexy women); also: Dave Chappelle (slipping), a fantastic play about families, coming out and identity with Diane Lane and Tony Shahloub (The Mystery of Love and Sex - some of the tightest, non-preachy/pedantic dialog I've heard in a long time), The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (interesting, well performed, but you have to have read the book), but no Fifty Shades...the 3D Imax at the AMNH, including the scorpion killing mouse howling at the moon was pretty awesome. The point being: better things to do (and bragging!).
They should put "easily passes the Bechdel Test" on the movie posters. Along with "no blackface!" and "No animals were harmed in the making of this film. Not even one!"
I had a three way this last weekend. Never thought of going to see a movie.
Don't know what could less enticing: watching this awful movie in a public theater (and the risk of being seen), or being forced to watch Russell Wilson's interception in Super Bowl 49 over and over and over. And over.
it's a fact! this movie is stupid, and if you go to see it you are a horrible human being!

@10 - Doh! @11 - ok, we had a third wheel (DW's good friend) on Saturday, but no threesome (despite my half-joking suggestion) so you win.
My fellow BDSMers are up in arms about this movie because it makes BDSM look so bad. From what I hear, the BDSM scenes are tasteful and female-centric, but the problem with the movie is that Grey is a poster-boy for psychopathic stalker prone to domestic abuse rather than consensual BDSM. Have I been led astray? Have not read the book.
Sorry, went to see Kingsman instead. Probably more violent than 50 Shades (got kind of close to Kill Bill levels of violence although with much less blood) but also a hell of a lot funnier and with a gratuitous anal sex joke that was actually pretty funny. I think I made he right choice.
Yeah right, like women are believing that shit about what a healthy woman seeks.
The sales of these badly written, but oh so popular books, proves women everywhere, wanna play.
@7: great story.
Brag away, Allan. I can imagine a weekend in NY, thru you..
Marrena, I tried to read it. I mean, could so many women get it wrong. The writing, is bad. Real bad.
The movie, looks good to me. Of course, I've had to hand in my Feminist badge, just till after I see it.
It's amazing how far people will bend over backwards to try and legitimize this shitty, offensive garbage. This is a movie directed by a woman, from a screenplay by another woman, based on a book by a third woman, about how awesome rape culture is (just as long as it comes with an expense account). It's not female empowerment, it's pretty much the ultimate MRA recruitment video. All it needs is a nice guy she won't give the time of day to.
God damn it. Doesn't anybody just fuck anymore?!?
The Bechdel test is genius but it fails for films with small casts. Gravity failed it completely. But then there were only two main characters and one was a woman astronaut.
Gravity doesn't pass the Bechtel test. Was it sexist?
50 Shades doesn't portray a consensual BDSM relationship. It portrays an abusive relationship embellished with some BDSM trappings. If that's what turns you on, just keep in mind it's fantasy. The reality is at a DV shelter near you.
The Bechdel test is genius but it fails for films with small casts. Gravity failed it completely. But then there were only two main characters and one was a woman astronaut.
Haven't seen; probably won't. I've heard that the movie is better than the book...but that's the very definition of faint praise.

I enjoyed Fifty Shades of Eh In the Canadian weekly, Maclean's.*…

*Warning: it does involve Timbits.
Ophian, I snickered through the Macleans link.

Personally, I'd rather have a root canal than watch "50 Shades". I think I'll have a rewatch this week of "Secretary" where both splendidly-engaging actors ramp up arousal and anticipation. One of my RL/FB friends posted a link about the superiority of the latter film.

Next up on my cinematic journey: Hawking and Turing.
The Bechdel test is imprecise. A nice example of that is Star Wars: A New Hope failing it.
I'm not surprised that it passed the Bechdel test. Almost all films with female leads will pass. It's the flip side of why most films with male leads fail it: because movies to be structured around the protagonist and his/her interactions with everyone else, not the unrelated interactions of secondary characters.
Awful, awful, awful.

I'd rather see a full length movie about Christian Mann from "Verbotene Liebe". He's hot.
The Bechdel test isn't the only matrix by which to judge a movie. It makes no comment about whether a movie is good or bad. It does one, and only one thing: it sets an incredibly low bar about the inclusion of female characters in movies that are more than simply a foil for the male lead. And a huge number movies fail it. And a lot of movies that do pass barely squeak over that low bar by a technicality or two.

While individual films, like Gravity, fail the Bechdel test despite having a strong female lead, that is the exception to the rule. The Bechdel test nevertheless speaks volumes about the movie industry as a whole.
This movie could be Exhibit A in the Jian Ghomeshi defense case.
Gee@31. Rude comment.
What a snobby lot. And all over a film.
Me thinks you'all protest too much.
Anyway, thanks Dan. It is a in the moment topic,
and you are the in the moment topic, guy.
this movie has been directed by the woman, who did Nowhere Man. A great movie about John Lennon's painful early life.
She's a talented Director. The girl in it, the daughter of Melanie Griffiths and Dan Johnson, is a treat. She may be Miss Innocent, but you can see she isn't going to be for long.
The actor, lovely man from the UK. New dad, and sexy as hell.
What's not to like. I don't know if the erotic content is good. Yet to find out.
Really, though- how many mainstream movies come out, that has erotic content.
Correction@38; Don Johnson.
How much mainstream erotica is out there. I've not seen a lot of good erotica in mainstream movies.
The Movie " In The Cut", has the best erotic content, I've ever seen.
And that's only part of the story, it's a murder mystery.
Another female director, from New Zealand. Starring Mark Raffalo and Meg Ryan. And some very steamy scenes. Not too explicit, but erotic.
Wolfe of wall St? A few moments.
Blue is the Warmest Colour.. A beautiful movie. Tainted by issues between stars and Director.
Seriously can't remember any.
Then, I'm not a big movie going person. My kids are into movies though, so I catch what they are watching.
Murder and mayhem.
So when a well made erotic movie comes out, I will go see it.
I did see the movie. It was not a good movie. I went into it hoping that it would be as creepy and rapey as people had claimed, but it isn't. I REALLY tried to see it as rape, but all of the sex is entirely boring and consensual.

Christian Gray's romantic gestures can be seen as creepy (like sneaking into Anna's apartment, or following her when she goes out to visit her Mom) but they are no dumber than the kind of crap that gets written of as "romantic" when it happens in a film starring Hugh Grant.

The worst part about seeing it is that I am now obligated to defend it (even though I didn't like it) against people who have NOT seen it, but who insist that it glorifies sexual abuse. There are plenty of other reasons not to see 50 Shades, if you are looking for a film about sexual abuse, there are plenty of others that are far worse.
Sorry, saw Kingsman instead. It was really fun in an over the top kind of way.
Never read the book or the movie, but my understanding of the criticism is that it is not about the sex or the BDSM, but the fact that Grey more or less takes complete control of the woman's life and essentially erases her free will and treats her completely as an object.

Frankly, I heard it was boring.

Also, the Bechdel test is a thought experiment and rhetorical device, it realy does not mean anything past that.
I'm stunned that the biggest complaint seems to be that it gets BDSM wrong. Way to miss the forest for the trees, guys! How about this: It's a softcore porno for women in which the woman has zero orgasms. Discuss.
Coincidentally, one of the things that. Unites my SO and me is our mutual love of filmdom. While I'm absolutely certain that she's never heard of the Bechdel Test, she made it absolutely clear that she would not abide - nor sit through - any movie that lacked a strong female lead.

Citizen Kane? Nope.
Lawrence of Arabia? Out of the question.
2001 (or for that matter, anything from the oeuvre of Stanley Kubrick)? You must be joking!


On the odd occasion she has been GGG enough to come with me to see movies that are clearly not to her taste (Gravity, The Lego Movie, et al).

Luckily, we have been able to negotiate an "opening up" of our relationship such that she wouldn't begrudge me a cinema experience without her, if the show in question were sufficiently unappealing. It's a DADT thing.

The Bechdel Test lost a lot of power in my eyes when someone pointed out that "oh my god Becky, look at her butt" passes the Bechdel Test.
Hell, even Transformers passes the Bechdel Test.
Not weighing in about 50 Shades as a book or a movie, having neither read the one or planning to see the other, but I wanted to comment on this little tidbit from Miriam Grossman: "She wants to feel safe, respected and cared for by a man she can trust" is right on! I want to feel safe, respected and cared for (well I would write 'safe, respected, and cared for' because I'm a fan of the Oxford comma, but whatever) by a man I can trust . . . to tie me up, hurt me a bit, and use me as his fuck toy any way he wants. I never did dream about wedding dresses, though I have an old one stored in my parents' basement, but I sometimes have dreams in which handcuffs figure prominently. I usually wake up from them wet. To each her own.
@47: Aaack! Danged new-fangled preview feature made me forget to proofread. That should have read "I'm not weighing in about 50 Shades as a book or a movie, neither having read the one nor planning to see the other . . ."
Mr Savage perhaps didn't hear the podcast review featuring Ms Hess, in which she pretended not to be serious as she gigglingly asked real BDSM people not to take away her fantasy about their fantasy. I suppose she thought she was being witty and/or charming.

I felt a bit like Tom Townsend in Metropolitan, who read literary criticism but not the literature it discussed, but I was curious about how the Slate crowd would review the film in their various articles (without personally giving half a fig for book or film, either fitting FTWL). A bad film about which the best thing they could say was that it was really about how all the male character needed was the Love of a Good, Strong Woman to turn him Vanilla seemed right up their alley.
Nocute @47.. Nice images.
I merely look forward to the day I last witness tightass TV news anchors attempt to discuss 'kink' with all the grace of guidance counselors trying not to get fired.

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