The Art of Stopping Time

We chatted one Friday, Brooklyn St bus stop. You read The Art of Stopping Time, and give notes of appreciation to bus drivers. I hope to see you again


You loved my hair, I loved your dress-we chatted outside Chop Suey in Feb(?)… You know which night, find me there again. Let’s make art together! 💋

sexy guy fieri at the haunted soirée

this is such a long shot, but i saw you at the haunted soirée last october. i asked you to take me to flavor town but didn’t see you again.

Bantering on line at Aurora PCC

Tuesday, April 16th, witty man at Aurora PCC, purchasing strawberries who bantered with our girlfriend. She wants to have a beer with you.

Lake Union Park, Cool Jacket

You said my kite was nice to watch, I said thanks but forgot to offer to let you fly it, sorry!

harley davidson hat straight to the heart!

we were both coming back from the airport on the light rail. you with your harley hat and blue eyes, me with my nerves that kept me from saying hi.

lost in oxford Docs

I wear mine every day as part of my autism uniform. You were braver than me, and wearing them with ankle socks. Ask me for some hiking socks next time

Biker boi

Your hot tatted punk ass biked by me at the top of Fremont hill. My jaw dropped. You may not even have a bed frame but I’d sleep with you any night