

That will rocket Jay Inslee and the carbon panic crowd right up to about 0.8% of voters!


Why is it sad for a politician to go on a morning news program to try and make his case and perhaps win a few minds, even if that program's audience is typically adversarial to such views?



That's still about a million times more people than would ever vote for you for anything, dumbass, unless you were running for "Most Ineffectual SLOG Anonymous Troll, Ever", because, even though the competition would be pretty fierce, you'd probably still have a chance at winning that election.


"That's still about a million times more people than would ever vote for you for anything"

Is that how you start all political arguments or just when you're on the playground with your friends?


"But it’s not yet clear if dissolving the board [LCB] entirely is the best fix for that."
If anyone can name a POSITIVE the LCB brings to WA, the public is all ears.
As it exists now, the LCB is the enforcement arm of the WA elite's personal interests (business or 'religious').
You have all sorts of power when you can pull a liquor license, and that power has good supply/demand pricing.


Seeing tax returns reveals possible conflicts of interests that would sway policies that could otherwise “benefit the vast majority of constituents.”

It’s pretty basic and almost every other western democracy requires it.


That is not "Swamp Thing" - that mask is "Creature from the Black Lagoon".


All hail Slogacracy!
And congrats on your secret re-election!


Hey Timothy, condolences on being re-upped for SLOG AM.
The fruits at Stranger actually tend to believe you when you pretend to like them. Better luck next time.


Small correction: Rep. Drew McEwen is a State Representative, not a congressman. Congress is in DC, not Olympia.


It is a strange new world when Fox is the most honest, and factual network out of all the MSM outlets, but that is the reality we live in.


Congrats, Kenney.
And, hey, Excellent Read this AM.

"Is there an area of local or national news you don’t see covered enough?
Let me know."

Yes, now that you mention it:
You (and SLOG PM) link lots to the Times in Seattle
which IMMEDIATELY hits you with its Paywall,*
so, fuck 'em.

How about instead of NeoLib and Con-based "news,"
you peruse (and Link to) Amy Goodman's brilliant 'Democracy Now!,'
for starters.

And speaking of news from the Other Side, how 'bout adding
Truth Dig, Rolling Stone, the Intercept, etc -- perhaps others
have favorite left-leaning sources as well? -- to your repertoire?


*I know, I know, there are ways to get past that wall


@12 It seems self evident that obliging Trump to explain again and again why he won't release his taxes is advantageous for the Democrats. We all saw what the endless harping on the perfectly ludicrous question of email server best practices did to Clinton once upon a time.

As for Wisconsin, a swing of just over 10,000 votes out of just shy of 2.9 million cast would have delivered the state to Clinton. On a margin that narrow, you don't need to persuade a lot of people to make a difference. That the email thing alone was enough to do in Clinton there is at least plausible.





You wouldn't know an actual "argument" if it walked up to you and kicked you in your pasty, white, dumb ass.


@16: I recall the exact same observations about Donald Trump.


Only right wing morons think that Inslee is really running to win in 2020. Yet, his candidacy is great to put focus on climate change and environmental degradation. The media coverage of which is still sorely lacking considering a) the urgency of the threat as determined by science and b) the incommensurate amount of garbage media time spent on Benghazi Smollett!


A bi-partisan push to dismantle our throwback to the prohibition era LCB? This sounds too good to be true!


Maybe Theresa May should just make one final decree that Brexit is null and void and then resign.

Her reputation is completely in tatters anyway.


@20: There are some folks, including the governor himself, who think he will win, and want him to win. So it seems cynical, and antithetical to the cause you feel so passionately about, to cast them off at right-wing morons.


@22 Influencing the course of a campaign on a critical and urgent matter like climate change is NOT the equivalent of "making a point" unless you have already decided it wasn't important, which reminds us that you are indeed a climate science denier.

Your concern about carbon emissions resulting from his campaign are thus understood in the context of you not believing it is urgent to stop emitting carbon to the atmosphere. Otherwise it seems like it'd be very difficult to run a campaign without flying but may be it is not impossible. At any rate, I doubt YOU would know.



As if you actually give two shits about carbon emissions...


@24 sure, I overgeneralized because he has a small chance of winning but he's smart enough not too behave as if he were a strong contender despite his declared conviction that he is going to win. Right wingers claim he should not run because he has little change of winning which isn't a good reason. As I said his campaign could be influential, if he rises to the occasion and offers policies that will do the job. If he doesn't it will provide a contrast with those who do and he can be sent to the dust bin of history.


@22 Ah David, of course you are as fond of whataboutism as our deplorable in chief. Governors sometimes run for president ace. If say you were gracing Wisconsin with your presence in 2016 would you have been up in arms about Scott Walker flying around the country promoting the virtues of union busting?


While we tend to think that only the US is falling apart, it's perversely reassuring to be reminded other nations are, too.

And what of the frequent riots in France? France is a case of under-reporting by the US media at all levels. I wonder why?


Couldn't the editors find someone who knows what a Congressman is (and isn't)???


"Purdue Pharma sued by New York State... "

Excellent -- the
VERY Hard Drug pushers to America
have set up another Corporation
in order to off-shore / protect
ill-gotten Profiteered BILLION$
for the Sackler Crime Fambly.

Will THEY do any Hard Time?

Silly question!

They're fucking RICH !!!

And've left a long long
LONG trail of dead bodies behind them.

If you're "Tough On Crime"
NOW's the Time to fucking Prove it.


"And what of the frequent riots in France?"

Because France is always rioting.



... Allegedly.


@33 cool story, bro.


Riots in Paris over the last 100 years or so:

1910 – 1911: Champagne Riots, resulted from a series of problems faced by grape growers in the Champagne area of France.

1921: Violence that broke out at the premiere of the play The Gas Heart.

1926: Bloody Sunday, political clashes that occurred in Colmar, Alsace on August 22, 1926.

1947: 1947 strikes in France, a series of insurrectional strikes. Fires set. Vandalism.

1968: May 1968 events in France, a volatile period of civil unrest that was punctuated by demonstrations and massive general strikes as well as the occupation of universities and factories across France.

1981: Rodéo (riot), riots that consisted of stealing cars, driving them in tight circles, and ultimately burning them.

1991: Violence broke out in Sartrouville after the fatal shooting of an Arab teenager by a supermarket security guard.

1991: Rioting occurred in Mantes-la-Jolie after a policewoman and an Algerian man were killed.

1997: Rioting occurred in Dammarie-lĂšs-Lys after 16-year-old Abdelkadher Bouziane was shot and killed by police and his 19-year-old friend wounded.

1998: Two days of riots occurred in suburban Toulouse after 17-year-old Habib Muhammed was shot by police during a car theft. Fires set. Vandalism.

2005: 2005 French riots, a series of riots that occurred in the suburbs of Paris and other French cities involving the burning of cars and public buildings at night.

2006: 2006 youth protests in France, riots resulting from opposition to a measure set to deregulate labour in France. Fires set. Vandalism.

2007: 2007 Villiers-le-Bel riots, riots in the Val-d'Oise department that began following the deaths of two teenagers whose motorcycle collided with a police vehicle. Fires set. Vandalism.

2007–09: 2007–09 university protests in France, protest movements resulting from several reform projects under Minister for Higher Education and Research ValĂ©rie PĂ©cresse. Fires set. Vandalism.

2009: 2009 French riots, a series of riots that occurred on Bastille Day (14 July) in the commune of Montreuil, an eastern suburb area of Paris.

2013: 2013 Trappes riots, riots that broke out after police arrested a man who assaulted a police officer who tried to check the identity of his wife wearing a Muslim veil.

2014: 2014 Sarcelles riots, a pro-Palestinian protest against the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza degenerated into an antisemitic riot in Sarcelles, France. Fires set. Vandalism.

2016: 2016 French taxi driver strike, a strike by taxi drivers in several major cities against Uber, a transportation network company, included many road blockades, fires, overturned vehicles, and the blockade of roads leading to the two major airports in Paris. Fires set. Vandalism.

2016: Nuit debout, protests that grew out of opposition to proposed labor reforms. Fires set. Vandalism.


You can't even get your affectations correct "ol' chap."

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