

the firemen are white. so; obviously; they are guilty...
hi cienna. it is very nice to see you back. (we hope you see this post before danny sucks it up into his spastic hysterical vagina...)

"Justice" Ginsburg in the hospital. gawd we hope the old bag hangs in there until the GOP Senate seats.....
The Missouri church where Michael Brown's father was baptized over the weekend was torched Monday night — BURN THAT BITCH DOWN, we say.......

Sometimes the arc of the moral universe zooms like a laser straight to justice.

aka Karma is a MotherFucking Bitch, Homie...

unfortunately The Truth will be much more banal, mix one attention whore preacher with a can of kerosine.......
I really don't like that sculpture, it's location in the middle of the street, or occidental park. move it to the side, open occidental back up to traffic and these confrontations will go away.
As someone who has done something similar (though with much lower stakes), it sounds like the three cops in this incident did things quite well, and should be commended. Especially in this time of problematic cops, it's refreshing to hear about cops doing things right, and updating their beliefs based on the evidence, to the point where they took the wealthier white man into custody.
Why is collude in scare quotes? That shit actually happens and separating witnesses to prevent it from happening is proper investigative protocol. Fucking Stranger stringer.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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