Cookie Couture rocking some hostage video chic.
Cookie Couture's message this morning includes a cover of one of her favorite iconic Seattle songs. Courtesy of Cookie Couture

Good morning. It's Monday, March 23, even though it kind of feels like Sunday, doesn't it, every day is like Sunday, since all days are the same now, time having melted into itself.

This morning, we're mixing a little nighttime into our day, with a message from someone usually running around crowded bars of homosexuals. In her message, Cookie Couture comes not-quite-live to you from a drag bunker in an undisclosed location. It's very hostage-video chic. Drag bunkers in undisclosed locations are very in right now, and we like to bring you all the latest fashions.

Cookie talks about her connection to Seattle and then plays, for your edification and entertainment, "a cover of one of my favorite iconic Seattle songs."

Can you guess which one? Guess before you look.

Other mothers cannot deny—you are right!


That was so great, Cookie. Surprising. The skill!

You tipped, right? You didn't tip? Okay, look, city, you have to tip after a drag queen performs, especially right now, when drag queens are unemployed—because drag queens don't qualify for unemployment. What more do you want, a video of Cookie ice skating?

Coming right up!

Okay, now you've tipped, right? ... Right?

Oh c'mon, what is it going to take?!

What's that? You want to see Cookie as a boy?


Okay, NOW TIP. You can afford one dollar.

Thank you for sharing your gift with us, Cookie!

All right, now, back to regularly scheduled programming. The morning news will be up at 8:30.

We wish you all, the unemployed and the employed, the sheltered and the unsheltered, peace and warmth as the rains return.

* *

Also in this series:

John Rodericks message to the city on April 3.
John Roderick's message to the city on April 3.

Bill Cartys message to the city on April 2.
Bill Carty's message to the city on April 2.

Price Suddarths message to the city on April 1.
Price Suddarth's message to the city on April 1.

Kary Waysons message to the city on March 31.
Kary Wayson's message to the city on March 31.

Ellen Forneys message to the city on March 30.
Ellen Forney's message to the city on March 30.

Major Scaless message to the city on March 29.
Major Scales's message to the city on March 29.

E. J. Kohs message to the city on March 28.
E. J. Koh's message to the city on March 28.

Ken Jenningss message to the city on March 27.
Ken Jennings's message to the city on March 27.

Demarre McGills message to the city on March 26.
Demarre McGill's message to the city on March 26.

Lynn Sheltons Message to the City on March 25th.
Lynn Shelton's Message to the City on March 25th.

Timothy White Eagles message to the city on March 24.
Timothy White Eagle's message to the city on March 24.

Cookie Coutures message to the city on March 23.
Cookie Couture's message to the city on March 23.

Sarah Rudinoffs message to the city on March 22.
Sarah Rudinoff's message to the city on March 22.

John Osebolds message to the city on March 21.
John Osebold's message to the city on March 21.

Ben Gibbards message to the city on March 21.
Ben Gibbard's message to the city on March 20.

Nathan Chans message to the city on March 19.
Nathan Chan's message to the city on March 19.