Ebo is a poet, artist, and educator.
Ebo is a poet, artist, and educator. Courtesy of Ebo Barton

Good morning. It's Monday, August 3, and today's message comes from an artist who believes in the power of language as a tool for revolution.

Ebo Barton is a Black and Filipino, transgender and non-binary poet and educator. Their work touches on political issues from a personal point of view and often is birthed from the struggles of living in the identities that they are. Their most notable poetry slam accolade is placing fifth in the world in 2016.

"I have a message for the city and what I want to say is that the community of Black and Indigenous people of color across the gender diversity spectrum in Seattle is hardworking and smart and brilliant and every single one of us is gorgeous..." Ebo says.

"And also every single one of us is tired of your shit."

Ebo curated and directed How to Love THIS Queer Body of Color: An Unapology and wrote and directed the award-winning play, Rising Up. They are a cast member of Anastacia Renee's Queer. Mama. Crossroads.

You may have seen Ebo's work in Adrienne: A Poetry Journal by Sibling Rivalry Press, Thriving While Trans: A Love Manual, Natasha Marin's Black Imagination, the King County Metro, and elsewhere.

You can follow Ebo on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Thank you for the message, Ebo. Thank you for sharing your revolutionary art with us.

Good luck this August, everyone.

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Previously in this series:

Maged Zahers message to the city on July 30.
Maged Zaher's message to the city on July 30.

Priya Frank, on the left, works at Seattle Art Museum. Jaimée Marsh is executive director of FEEST Seattle.
Priya Frank and Jaimée Marsh's message to the city on July 28.

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamores message to the city on July 27.
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore's message to the city on July 27.

Ezra Dickinson is a choreographer, performer, and street artist.
Ezra Dickinson's message to the city on July 24.

Rana Sans message to the city on July 23.
Rana San's message to the city on July 23.

Mary Hall-Williamss message to the city on July 21.
Mary Hall-Williams's message to the city on July 21.

Liz Dunn is one of the few developers in the city who doesnt suck.
Liz Dunn is one of the few developers in the city who doesn't suck.

Reagan Jackson is a writer and activist.
Reagan Jackson's message to the city on July 17.

Ms. Pak-Man is... oh, you know who Ms. Pak-Man is.
Ms. Pak-Man's message to the city on July 16.

Laura Griffith Langss message to the city (with baby) on July 14.
Laura Griffith Langs's message to the city (with baby) on July 14.

Natasha Marin is a conceptual artist and the curator of Black Imagination: Black Voices on Black Futures, published by McSweeneys.
Natasha Marin's message to the city on July 13. Courtesy of Natasha Marin

Aaron Bagleys message to the city on July 10.
Aaron Bagley's message to the city on July 10.

Kathy Hsiehs message to the city on July 9.
Kathy Hsieh's message to the city on July 9.

Crispin Spaeth is a choreographer and teacher.
Crispin Spaeth's message to the city on July 8.

Tom and Virginia Dziekonski are musicians with the Pacific Northwest Ballet orchestra.
Tom and Virginia Dziekonski's message to the city on July 7.

Pol Rosenthals message to the city on July 6.
Pol Rosenthal's message to the city on July 6.

Betsey Brocks message to the city on July 2.
Betsey Brock's message to the city on July 2.

Shaina Shepherds message to the city on July 1.
Shaina Shepherd's message to the city on July 1.

Rodger Burnett and Joyce Ramees message to the city on June 30.
Rodger Burnett and Joyce Ramee's message to the city on June 30.

Charles Leggetts message to the city June 29.
Charles Leggett's message to the city June 29.

Rachel Guyer-Mafunes message to the city on June 26.
Rachel Guyer-Mafune's message to the city on June 26.

Liz Hayess message to the city on June 24.
Liz Hayes's message to the city on June 24.

Nicholas Bernards message to the city on June 22.
Nicholas Bernard's message to the city on June 22.

Tariqa Waterss message to the city on June 19.
Tariqa Waters's message to the city on June 19.

Bruce Clayton Toms message to the city on June 18.
Bruce Clayton Tom's message to the city on June 18.

Isaac Gutierrezs message to the city on June 17.
Isaac Gutierrez's message to the city on June 17.

Markeith Wileys message to the city on June 16.
Markeith Wiley's message to the city on June 16.

Aleksa Manilas message to the city on June 15.
Aleksa Manila's message to the city on June 15.

Derrick Ryan Claude Mitchells message to the city on June 12.
Derrick Ryan Claude Mitchell's message to the city on June 12.

Bret Fetzers message to the city on June 12.
Bret Fetzer's message to the city on June 11.

Kyle OQuins message to the city on June 10.
Kyle O'Quin's message to the city on June 10.

Elisheba Johnsons message to the city on June 9.
Elisheba Johnson's message to the city on June 9.

Michael Jinsoo Lims message to the city on June 8.
Michael Jinsoo Lim's message to the city on June 8.

Brandon Ivies message to the city on June 5.
Brandon Ivie's message to the city on June 5.

Kimya Dawsons message to the city on June 4.
Kimya Dawson's message to the city on June 4.

Jennifer Nelsons message to the city on June 3.
Jennifer Nelson's message to the city on June 3.

Erin Jorgensens message to the city on June 2.
Erin Jorgensen's message to the city on June 2.

Brangien Davis and Daniel Spilss message to the city on June 1.
Brangien Davis and Daniel Spils's message to the city on June 1.

Timothy De Clues message to the city on May 29.
Timothy De Clue's message to the city on May 29.

Elizabeth Aquinos message to the city on May 28.
Elizabeth Aquino's message to the city on May 28.

Christopher Frizzelles message to the city on May 27.
Christopher Frizzelle's message to the city on May 27.

Elby Broschs message to the city on May 26.
Elby Brosch's message to the city on May 26.

Mila Skyys message to the city on May 22.
Mila Skyy's message to the city on May 22.

Michael Lees message to the city on May 21.
Michael Lee's message to the city on May 21.

SassyBlacks message to the city on May 20.
SassyBlack's message to the city on May 20.

Seattle Symphony Horn Sections message to the city on May 19.
Seattle Symphony horn section's message to the city on May 19.

Lori Goldstons message to the city on May 18.
Lori Goldston's message to the city on May 18.

Ibidunni Ojikutus message to the city on May 15.
Ibidunni Ojikutu's message to the city on May 15.

RL Heyers message to the city on May 14.
RL Heyer's message to the city on May 14.

Garth Steins message to the city on May 13.
Garth Stein's message to the city on May 13.

Okanomodés message to the city on May 12.
Okanomodé's message to the city on May 12.

Zoe Scofields message to the city on May 11.
Zoe Scofield's message to the city on May 11.

Aham Oluos message to the city on May 8.
Aham Oluo's message to the city on May 8.

Pete Rushs message to the city on May 7.
Pete Rush's message to the city on May 7.

Trent Moormans message to the city on May 6.
Trent Moorman's message to the city on May 6.

Renée Valencias message to the city on May 5.
Renée Valencia's message to the city on May 5.

Justin Huertass message to the city on May 4.
Justin Huertas's message to the city on May 4.

Charles Mudedes message to the city on May 1.
Charles Mudede's message to the city on May 1.

Kathryn Rathkes message to the city on April 30.
Kathryn Rathke's message to the city on April 30.

Anthony Whites message to the city on April 30.
Anthony White's message to the city on April 30.

Miss Texas 1988s message to the city.
Miss Texas 1988's message to the city.

Matt Bishops message on April 27.
Matt Bishop's message on April 27.

Cherdonnas message to the city on April 26.
Cherdonna's message to the city on April 26.

Shenandoah Daviss message to the city on April 25.
Shenandoah Davis's message to the city on April 25.

Lorena Gonzálezs message to the city on April 24.
Lorena González's message to the city on April 24.

Clyde Petersens message to the city on April 23.
Clyde Petersen's message to the city on April 23.

David Ritts message to the city on April 22.
David Ritt's message to the city on April 22.

Sara Porkalobs message to the city on April 21.
Sara Porkalob's message to the city on April 21.

Julia Sweeneys message to the city on April 20.
Julia Sweeney's message to the city on April 20.

Linda Derschangs message to the city on April 19.
Linda Derschang's message to the city on April 19.

Molly Sidess message to the city on April 18.
Molly Sides's message to the city on April 18.

Nick Garrisons message to the city on April 17.
Nick Garrison's message to the city on April 17.

Tomo Nakayamas message to the city on April 16.
Tomo Nakayama's message to the city on April 16.

Rebecca M. Daviss message to the city April 15.
Rebecca M. Davis's message to the city April 15.

Heather McHughs message to the city on April 14.
Heather McHugh's message to the city on April 14.

Brandon ONeills message to the city on April 13.
Brandon O'Neill's message to the city on April 13.

Kate Wallichs message to the city on April 12.
Kate Wallich's message to the city on April 12.

Rebecca Browns message to the city on April 11.
Rebecca Brown's message to the city on April 11.

Lucien Postlewaites message to the city on April 10.
Lucien Postlewaite's message to the city on April 10.

Betty Wetters message to the city on April 9.
Betty Wetter's message to the city on April 9.

Amanda Morgans message to the city on April 8.
Amanda Morgan's message to the city on April 8.

Nancy Guppys message to the city on April 7.
Nancy Guppy's message to the city on April 7.

Jonathan Bisss message to the city on April 6.
Jonathan Biss's message to the city on April 6.

Chris Jeffriess message to the city on April 5.
Chris Jeffries's message to the city on April 5.

Lesley Hazletons message to the city on April 4.
Lesley Hazleton's message to the city on April 4.

John Rodericks message to the city on April 3.
John Roderick's message to the city on April 3.

Bill Cartys message to the city on April 2.
Bill Carty's message to the city on April 2.

Price Suddarths message to the city on April 1.
Price Suddarth's message to the city on April 1.

Kary Waysons message to the city on March 31.
Kary Wayson's message to the city on March 31.

Ellen Forneys message to the city on March 30.
Ellen Forney's message to the city on March 30.

Major Scaless message to the city on March 29.
Major Scales's message to the city on March 29.

E. J. Kohs message to the city on March 28.
E. J. Koh's message to the city on March 28.

Ken Jenningss message to the city on March 27.
Ken Jennings's message to the city on March 27.

Demarre McGills message to the city on March 26.
Demarre McGill's message to the city on March 26.

Lynn Sheltons Message to the City on March 25th.
Lynn Shelton's Message to the City on March 25th.

Timothy White Eagles message to the city on March 24.
Timothy White Eagle's message to the city on March 24.

Cookie Coutures message to the city on March 23.
Cookie Couture's message to the city on March 23.

Sarah Rudinoffs message to the city on March 22.
Sarah Rudinoff's message to the city on March 22.

John Osebolds message to the city on March 21.
John Osebold's message to the city on March 21.

Ben Gibbards message to the city on March 21.
Ben Gibbard's message to the city on March 20.

Nathan Chans message to the city on March 19.
Nathan Chan's message to the city on March 19.